Tariro Profile


Dr Tariro Makadzange is an infectious disease physician scientist. She graduated from Harvard Medical School and received a PhD in HIV Immunology from the University of Oxford. She received her training in internal medicine at the University of Washington and did her Infectious Disease fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Her research training and career have focused on infectious diseases primarily HIV infection and related opportunistic infections (OIs). Her current work focuses on understanding the immune correlates of HIV disease progression in perinatally infected children and adolescents, as well as the immunopathogenesis of cryptococcal disease in HIV infected adults. In addition to the basic HIV immunology research she is also involved in clinical trials and operational research studies.

She recently completed a study to evaluate outcomes in children and adolescents at one of the largest public programs in Zimbabwe, and is currently working on establishing an implementation science study to evaluate the efficacy of implementing routine screening for cryptococcal meningitis in reducing mortality among patients initiating ART. She together with colleagues from the Ragon Institute have established a basic immunology research laboratory at UZCHS. The goal of the lab is to facilitate translational research in Africa by encouraging clinicians and scientists to work together to identify critical research questions based on clinical observations and identify solutions in the lab.

Find a list of Dr Makadzange’s publications here.