Emma Profile


Dr Emma Wall is a clinical researcher from the UK, trained in Infectious Diseases and HIV medicine. She spent 1 year as a Lecturer in Medicine at Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Uganda and completed her PhD at Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust Programme (MLW) in Blantyre, Malawi studying clinical management and epidemiology of bacterial meningitis in Malawian adults. She is currently a NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer within the Division of Infection and Immunity at University College London, in London. Her research interests are focused on neurological infection in HIV infected adults in low and middle income settings, with a particular focus on bacterial meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa.

She is planning a new study that will focus on identifying patients with clinically suspected bacterial meningitis in both pre-referral health centres as well as referral hospitals in Blantyre, designed to look at outcomes from early treatment and generate data that will give a better understanding of the causes of poor outcome from bacterial meningitis. Her long term aim is to improve clinical management and outcome from bacterial meningitis in low and middle income settings. Read more on Dr Emma Wall here and a list of her publications can be found here.