Lesikari profile


Dr Lesikari Kivuyo is a Research Scientist with the National Institute for Medical Research, since October 2006. He is the Head of Haydom Research Station located in Mbulu in Northern Tanzania. Before joining the National Institute for Medical Research, Dr. Kivuyo worked with Muhimbili National Hospital and Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre as a general physician.

Dr. Kivuyo holds a Degree of Medicine (MD) of the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and an MPhil (International Community Health) degree the Oslo University, Norway. He has attended several others courses including courses in Epidemiology, Health System Information, Biostatistics and Good Clinical and Laboratory Practices.

Dr. Kivuyo has been involved in a number of research projects on Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS Zoonosis, Maternal and Child Health and Influenza A virus infection. He is currently the Co-ordinator of a multi-country health system clinical trial supported by EDCTP (781,291 Euro) entitled “Reduction of early mortality among HIV infected subject starting antiretroviral therapy, The REMSTART trial.” Dr. Kivuyo has published 8 articles in peer reviewed journals and is a member of the Medical Association of Tanzania

Find a list of Dr Kivuyo’s publications here.