Olivier profile


Professor Olivier Lortholary holds several posts in Paris, France, including Deputy Director of the French National Reference Cebtre for Invasive Mycoses and Antifungals, Co-Director of the Medical Mycology course, Professor of Medicine at Paris-Descartes University and Head of the Necker-Pasteur Centre for Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine (Necker side).

Olivier Lortholary received his M.D. from the Paris 6 School of Medicine, and his Ph.D. from the Paris 7 University (France). He has published over 590 papers, including over 12 invited contributions to Clinical Infectious Diseases or Lancet Infectious Diseases, as well as several book chapters and three medical books.

His principal research interests centre around translational research in medical mycology, in particular Cryptococcal neoforms and cryptococcal meningitis, and developing diagnostic and therapeutic innovations in invasive fungal infections. Professor Lortholarly is a Senior Investigator for the AMBITION study and will participate in the TMG and lead on-site short course training in medical mycology. He will also provide mentorship and support to African colleagues undertaking sub-studies from patient samples, and will help supervise PhD students at Institute Pasteur.

Read more on Professor Olivier Lortholary and find a list of his publications here.