Síle profile


Dr Síle Molloy is a Lecturer in Epidemiology and holds a PhD in Parasitology from Trinity College Dublin, and previously worked as an Epidemiologist at Oxford University before joining St George’s Univesity London (SGUL).

Her work focuses on conducting phase II/III clinical trials (ACTA/ Ambition) to improve outcomes for patients treated for Crytococcal Meningitis in various low resource settings across Sub-Saharan Africa. Dr Molloy’s main research interests are in improving the standard of care for CM patients in resource-limited settings. She is particularly interested in implementation research and improving access to essential medicines, in addition to research on clinical trial design, implementation and analysis.

She is co-investigator on the DREAMM project which aims to implement current World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for screening and treatment of meningoencephalitis in three sites across Sub-Saharan Africa.

She is also currently co-investigator for the AMBITION Study, where she works alongside Dr Angela Loyse to lead training and capacity building with African colleagues.

Read more on Dr Síle Molloy and find a list of her publications here.