2nd AMNET Face-to-Face Meeting, Cape Town, July 2019

The 2nd African Meningitis Trials Network Face-to-Face Meeting was held on the 09th of July in Cape Town, South Africa at the University of Cape Town (UCT).

The meeting brought together researchers and practitioners from the AMBITION study sites in the same physical space for discussions and collaboration on Network Deliverables.

Network members met to review milestones achieved and specifically;

a)Reviewed AMNET’s deliverables in the 4 years of the AMBITION Trial.
Members looked at progress made on the 2 key projects undertaken thus far (the Situational Analysis and the Meningitis Aetiology Project), shared updates and challenges from all sites, and discussed ways to harmonize information collection.

b)Discussed the legacy of AMNET, ways to boost its exposure and grow its membership. Members encouraged junior investigators from across the sites to apply for grants, especially  EDCTP applications or Wellcome Trust Fellowships.

c)Discussed the Network’s upcoming project – IRB/Ethics Liaisons & Standardized Templates For Future Trials – and timelines for completion.

The 1 day meeting made it possible to develop activities to address next steps for the Network. The level and diversity of discussions resulted in an effective, successful and productive meeting.

Click here to see the meeting agenda and a gallery of pictures!

The 3rd face-to-face meeting will be in June 2020 in Uganda! Look out for the dates!

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