World Cities Day was first celebrated in 2014. A global observance is held in a different city each year, and the day focuses on a specific theme. This year the theme is ‘Act Local to Go Global’ and the global observance will be in Shanghai, China. The day will focus on experiences and approaches to local action, and what is needed for local and regional governments to create greener, more equitable and sustainable cities around the world.

Urbanisation has the potential for social inclusion, greater equality and access to services, including education, transport, health and sanitation. The diversity of cities can create more engagement and mobilisation. However, this is often not the reality of urban development. Instead of inclusive cities, the urban environment can have rates of inequality and exclusion far higher than the national average.
Urban October was launched by UN-Habitat in 2014 to emphasise the world’s urban challenges and engage the international community towards the New Urban Agenda which sets the pace on how to deal with urbanisation over the next two decades. The Agenda puts the topic of inclusive cities as one of the main pillars for the urban shift.
Source: United Nations
The Library collections contain many resources on urbanisation and the challenges faced by those planning and living in cities. As a general guide, print books on healthy cities can be found at shelf mark SU, environmental aspects SB, water sanitation SEZY, food supply BEWW and social aspects at ZV. The Library also makes accessible many online journals and books which cover this topic. Books and journal articles can be searched via Discover.