World Tuberculosis Day 24th March 2025

Monday March 24th 2025 is World Tuberculosis Day. The theme for World TB Day 2025 is “Yes! We Can End TB”, reinforcing the idea that ending tuberculosis is possible with collective effort.

The date marks the day in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch discovered the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium, which causes…

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The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 1925

A photo of the class of 1925

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Nutrition, Diet and Fasting in March

This March, fasting and food awareness is an incredibly important part of many peoples every day. With Ramadan well underway, and Lent just beginning, a large portion of the population will for the next few weeks be far more observational over their eating than usual. Alongside religious fasting, many of…

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Alternative sources of US Federal Government Information

(and information about what is happening within the STEM information landscape)

With the transition to the new government in the United States, we are seeing some major changes in the US federal information landscape.

This blog post aims to bring together information for LSHTM staff and students on alternative sources…

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Book Display: Eating Disorders Awareness Week (24 February – 2 March 2025)

Eating Disorders Can Affect Anyone

“Eating Disorders Can Affect Anyone” is the theme of this year’s Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW), taking place in the UK from Monday, 24 February to Sunday, 2 March 2025. EDAW is an annual campaign dedicated to raising awareness, challenging misconceptions, and advocating for…

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Work Experience at LSHTM

Work experience here at the LSHTM Library, Archive & Open Research Services has been a fantastic opportunity and has given me a very interesting insight into what happens behind the scenes at a library. It was lovely working with and meeting all the different members of staff across the LSHTM…

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Book Display: Decolonising Global Health

For this book display we focussed on the important topic of decolonialisation; LSHTM have said “Global health is about equity and justice.  We believe that global health institutions must fight, not reinforce, racial and national hierarchies and exploitative systems”.

The display features several books the library stores surrounding the…

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Celebrate Love Data Week 2025 with us!

Love Data Week is here, and it's time to celebrate the power of data! Whether you're a data enthusiast, a curious student, or just looking to learn something new, the Library, Archive & Open Research Services has a great line-up of events to help you dive into the world of data. Check out the following training events.

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Open Research Seminar: Enhancing the speed and impact of science communication using BioRxiv and MedRxiv

THURSDAY MARCH 13, 2025. 13:00 – 14:00 BST

Attendance link:

The widespread adoption of preprints provides opportunities to revolutionize how scientific discoveries are communicated with the wider research community. Preprints enable scientists to share the latest developments and findings in their research and obtain community feedback that can be used to support decision making on how it is be developed in the future. As a citable scientific output, they also provide authors with proof of progress and productivity, which can be used to advance their careers through grant and job applications.

This webinar, hosted by LSHTM in partnership with members of the bioRxiv and medRxiv team, will outline how the sharing of preprints can aid researchers in enhancing the impact of their scientific research and comply with established and emerging community requirements, such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s mandate on preprints.

Professor Kat Holt from LSHTM’s Department of Infection Biology will share some personal reflections from over a decade of posting preprints, and invite fellow academics to share their own experiences or concerns. Presenters from bioRxiv and medRxiv, two non-profit preprint services that host more than 200,000 preprints on topics spanning fundamental biology and clinical research and are visited by a combined figures of ~9 million readers every month, will provide an interactive demo of the platforms, and discuss potential gains for LSHTM academics and their research.

To help the presenters to tailor the session to your needs, please complete the Interest in Preprints survey form.

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World Cancer Day 2025

World Cancer Day is an international day marked on 4th February to promote a positive and proactive approach towards the prevention, detection and treatment of cancer.To mark the day, LSHTM Archives are highlighting some items within our collection relating to cancer.

Dr Christopher Draper collection

Dr. Christopher Charles Gawler…

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