If you’ve used our website or searched our resources lately, you may well have spotted this shiny new icon:

This is there as we’re currently trialling an instant webchat service, provided by LibraryH3lp. The service has been running for about a month so far and we’re pleased to see that it has already received an enthusiastic response.
Designed to facilitate seamless communication between our users and Library, Archive & Open Research Services (LAORS) staff, this instant messaging service aims to improve the way students, researchers, and the wider community interact with the range of services and resources we provide. Whether you need help locating relevant research materials or documents from our archives, pointers on how to get help with conducting literature reviews, or support with publishing your own research, our knowledgeable LAORS team is just a click or a tap away.
Accessing the webchat is simple and user-friendly. The service is accessible through the LAORS website, on Discover and in Calmview with the icon above displayed prominently in each case. By using the webchat icon, you’ll be connected with a member of the LAORS team (…be assured that you’ll be put through to a real human being and never a chatbot!). If the service is unavailable then you’ll see a different button which looks like this one…

….in which case you can either email us or access our Frequently Asked Questions pages.
The webchat is being introduced on a trial basis, so we’re seeking your feedback to help us to decide upon and to shape the future of the service. We welcome your suggestions, comments, and insights to further refine and optimize the service: https://forms.office.com/e/4NqerD8xMB
We look forward to chatting with you soon!