Get ahead: book a library information skills session

Effective Literature Searching: relevant for MSc Projects – booking now available (all sessions on Zoom)

These take place on:

Part 1 – step by step literature searching: relevant to all types of MSc project.
Monday 24 June 13:00 to 14:30
Thursday 27 June 11:00 to 12:30
Monday 1 July 12:00 to 13:00
Tuesday 2 July 10:00 to 11:30

All the above Part 1 sessions are the same – you only need to book on one session.

Part 2 – advanced literature searching: relevant to literature review type MSc Projects (e.g. systematic review, scoping review, policy review, meta-analysis).
Tuesday 25 June 15:00 to 16:30
Friday 28 June 13:00 to 14:30
Monday 1 July 15:30 to 17:00
Tuesday 2 July 14:30 to 16:00

All the above Part 2 sessions are the same – you only need to book on one session if relevant to your MSc project.

BOOK HERE: (all times are BST).
We will email you with the Zoom link 24 hours before the session starts.

NOTE: these are a repeat of sessions run in February 2024 so if you attended then you will not need to attend again, unless you wish to refresh your skills.

Who should attend?
Part 1 sessions: any MSc students working on their project proposal or their project.

Part 2 sessions: any MSc students undertaking a literature review type MSc Project (e.g. systematic review, scoping review, policy review, meta-analysis).

MSc students (both ‘intensive’ & ‘distance learning’ programmes) who did not have literature searching sessions scheduled in your MSc Programme timetable or were not able to attend: please feel free to sign up these sessions.

MSc students who have already attended Effective Literature Searching training sessions, and want to have a refresher session, you are also welcome to sign up.

1. If you have not attended any literature searching sessions before and you are interested in Part 2, then you must have attended Part 1 first (otherwise Part 2 may not make sense!).
2. If you have signed up for the Reviewing the Literature module and you attended the literature training sessions in Term 1 or 2, then you do not need to attend the above sessions unless you need a refresher.
3. If you have attended a literature searching session as part of your MSc Programme, you might prefer to re-watch the recording of that session on your MSc Programme’s Moodle page, or the MSc Public Health recording on the Library Moodle page.
4. These sessions are repeated on each day listed above. Just choose whichever session works best for your timetable / time-zone.

Part 1 covers:
Constructing a literature search strategy.
– Developing search concepts, search terms & building your search.
– Selecting search concepts & keywords/search terms.
– Choosing the right resources to search.
– Using Boolean logic to structure an effective search.
– How to use search operators (including truncation & wildcards). OVID Medline will be the main database used in these sessions.
– Using basic search filters and date limits.
– Finding full text – what if LSHTM library doesn’t have what I need?

Part 2 covers:
– Using proximity searching and subject headings: what are they? Why do you need to use them? How do you include them in your search strategy?
– Using advanced search filters and limits.
– Running your search & transferring it across databases.
– Finding full text – what if LSHTM library doesn’t have what I need?
– Planning, methodology & managing your search results.

Comments from previous years’ attendees:
“really great course”
“very good and very helpful”
“it’s fab!”

If you cannot attend any of the above sessions, a recording of one session will be made available on the Library Moodle page, where you will also find:
– recordings of full Literature Searching sessions.
– presentations on grey literature and other aspects of the searching process.
– plus self-teach mini-modules that you can work through in your own time.

A note about ‘1 to 1 sessions’ – if you are conducting a literature review type project (e.g. systematic review, scoping review, policy review, meta-analysis) you can book a 1 to 1 appointment with a Librarian, to discuss your own search strategy for your MSc Project. These can be booked on the student booking system. New slots are added each week. Please note these sessions are only available to students conducing a literature review type project and we can only offer one 30 minute session per student.

If you have any questions on the above sessions, please contact us via ServiceDesk or email us at:

Jane Falconer & Kate Perris

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