All posts in Metrics and Statistics

Research Online revealed: an in-depth look at repository usage

The LSHTM research repository, ‘Research Online’, currently contains 61,867 items, which were downloaded over 55,000 times in 2022-2023. But have you ever wondered exactly who is actually using it?

Well, look no further! We’ve broken down the numbers for an in-depth look at exactly what…

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Be selfish — let people read your work for free!

How publishing open access raises the profile of your research
We all know that we should be publishing open access. Sharing scientific information is good for science and good for humanity, facilitating progress and helping to distribute its fruits more widely and equitably. And if that doesn’t persuade you…

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The School’s research has impact in 189 countries, and we can prove it!

Did you know School authors have collaborated with authors in Liechtenstein? Or Greenland? Or North Korea? Or that the top three European countries which cite our work are the UK, Switzerland and The Netherlands?

Now you can explore which other countries the School has collaborated with or been cited by…

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