All posts tagged literature searching

NEW: MeSH terms for 2019 include Systematic Review as a publication type

As usually happens at this time of year, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) update the MeSH headings used to index their Medline/PubMed database. Full details can be found on the NLM Technical Bulletin, 425. Changes which may be of interest to LSHTM researchers have been highlighted below.

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Infoskills a bit rusty ?

… then help is at hand, to see you through your summer project. ONE hour info skills sessions will be held during the summer months just for  YOU  !

Everything you wanted to know (and more) ….about constructing a search strategy will be explained, including :

Searching databases and using operators such as…

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Constructing a literature search for a systematic review: part 3, putting your search terms together and testing their efficiency

This is the third in a series of posts looking at how to put together a literature search for a systematic review. Part 1 looked at the preparation required before you start putting the search together and gives some background to the project and part 2 looked at how to…

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Constructing a literature search for a systematic review: part 2, choosing search terms

This is the second in a series of posts looking at how to put together a literature search for a systematic review. Part 1 looked at the preparation required before you start putting the search together and gives some background to the project. This post looks at how to put…

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Everything you wanted to know about literature searching and were afraid to ask !!

Stop press, stop press !!! Everything you wanted to know about literature searching and were afraid to ask !!
Fear no more, lunch time help is now available in the Library for MSc students throughout most of May, June and July.
These sessions will help you with constructing a search strategy for…

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Even more on literature searching

“Which database should I use for my topic ? “ is an all too familiar question. Luckily, help is at hand – – is a useful list of databases by subject, and for big topics such as “Public Health”, it lists the most useful…

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Help with Literature searching

Confused about AND, OR, NOT, and those pesky wildcards, then don’t be. The Library can help you understand the mysteries of these Boolean Operators and assist you with conducting Efficient and Effective literature searches and systematic reviews. These can be held on a one-to-one basis, or even…

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More help with literature searching


Do you know your Medline from your Pubmed or even your Cochrane from your Scopus ?  If you do, well done, but if not all can be revealed when you book an information skills session in the Library.  Library staff can show you how to search different databases relevant to…

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PubMed icon

2017 Updates to MeSH released

The 2017 update to the Medline thesaurus (MeSH) has been released. This adds new terminology, edits obsolete terminology and reorganises subject trees to keep the thesaurus current. References added to Medline from now on will be indexed using the updated terminology. Please note that changes are not retrospectively applied.

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Finding similar articles via LSHTM Research Online

Read it, loved it, but want more similar works? Researchers can now find related articles to the one they are reading but also ones held in the School’s Open Access research repository– the CORE Recommender is here.

CORE is a service that facilitates the access and navigation to millions…

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