LSHTM Research Online (Repository) – 2001 on
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- Masquelier, B., Menashe-Oren, A., Reniers, G. and Timæus, I. M. A new method for estimating recent adult mortality from summary sibling histories, Population Health Metrics, 2024, 22, 32. (Open-access)
Masquelier, B. and Timæus, I. M. Estimating adult mortality based on maternal orphanhood in populations with HIV/AIDS. Population Studies, 2024. (Open-access)
- Jasseh, M., Rerimoi, A. J., Reniers, G. and Timæus, I. M. Assessment of the consistency of health and demographic surveillance and household survey data: A demonstration at two HDSS sites in The Gambia. PLoS ONE, 2022, 17, e0271464. (Open-access)
- Timæus, I. M. The Own-Children Method of fertility estimation: The devil is in the detail. Demographic Research, 2021, 45, 25, 825-840. (Open-access; Code)
- Lieber, J., Clarke, L., Timæus, I. M. , Mallinson, P. A. C. and Kinra, S. Changing family structures and self-rated health of India’s older population (1995-96 to 2014). SSM – Population Health, 2020, 11, 100572. (Open-access)
- Luhar, S., Timæus, I. M., Jones, R., Cunningham, S., Patel, S. A., Kinra, S., Clarke, L. and Houben, R. Forecasting the prevalence of overweight and obesity in India to 2040. PLoS ONE, 2020, 15, e0229438. (Open-access)
- Timæus, I. M. and Moultrie, T. A. Pathways to low fertility: 50 years of limitation, curtailment, and postponement of childbearing. Demography, 2020, 57, 267-296. (Open-access; Online appendix; Stata code & detailed results)
- Towriss, C. A., Beguy, D., Wringe, A. Hassan Hussein, B. and Timæus, I. M. Planning a family in Nairobi’s informal settlements: results of a qualitative study. Journal of Biosocial Science, 2020, 52, 286-299. (Online read access; Accepted version)
- Rerimoi, A. J., Jasseh, M., Agbla, S. C., Reniers, G., Roca, A. and Timæus, I. M. Under-five mortality in The Gambia: Comparison of the results of the first demographic and health survey with those from existing inquiries. PLoS ONE, 2019, 14, e0219919. (Open-access)
- Rerimoi, A. J., Niemann, J., Lange, I. and Timæus, I. M. Gambian cultural beliefs, attitudes and discourse on reproductive health and mortality: Implications for data collection in surveys from the interviewer’s perspective. PLoS ONE, 2019, 14, e0216924. (Open-access)
- Firman, N., Palmer, M.J., Timæus, I. M. and Wellings, K. Contraceptive method use among women and its association with age, relationship status and duration: findings from the third British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 2018, 44, 165-174. (Open-access)
- Towriss, C. A. and Timæus, I. M. Contraceptive use and lengthening birth intervals in rural and urban Eastern Africa. Demographic Research, 2018, 38, 2027-2052. (Open-access)
- Towriss, C. A. and Timæus, I. M. Modelling period fertility: schooling and intervals following a birth in Eastern Africa. Population Studies, 2018, 72, 75-90. (Open-access)
- Timæus, I. M. and Scott, A. P. Evidence for a healthy migrant effect on mortality in England and Wales. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2017, 71(9). (e-letter)
Knight, L., Hosegood, V. and Timæus, I. M. Obligation to family during times of transition: Care, support and the response to HIV and AIDS in rural South Africa. AIDS Care, 2016, 28(suppl 4), 18-29. (Open access)
Rathod, S. D., Timæus, I. M., Banda, R., Thankian, K., Chilengi, R., Banda, A., Lemba, M., Stringer, J. S. A. and Chi, B. H. Premature adult mortality in urban Zambia: a repeated population-based cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 2016, 6, e010801. (Open-access)
- Timæus, I. M. What would happen if UK residents stopped having babies?. Significance, 2016, 13(2), 12. (Extended open-access version)
- May, J. D. and Timæus, I. M. ‘Changes in food security in South Africa since the end of apartheid: Evidence using child malnourishment’, in Food Security in South Africa: Human Rights and Entitlement Perspectives, S. Fukuda-Parr and V. Taylor (eds). UCT Press, pp. 83-96, 2015.
- Timæus, I. M. and Moultrie, T. A. Teenage childbearing and educational attainment in South Africa. Studies in Family Planning, 2015, 46, 143-160. (JStor subscribers: Download paper; Accepted version)
- May, J. and Timæus, I. M. Inequities in under-five child nutritional status in South Africa. What progress has been made?. Development Southern Africa, 2014, 31, 761-774. (Accepted version)
Knight, L., V. Hosegood, and Timæus, I. M. The South African disability grant: influence on HIV treatment outcomes and household well-being in KwaZulu-Natal. Development Southern Africa, 2013, 30, 135-147. (Accepted version)
- Moultrie, T. A., Dorrington, R. E., Hill A. G., Hill, K., Timæus, I. M. and Zaba B. (eds). Tools for Demographic Estimation. International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, 2013, 419 pp. (Open-access)
- Timæus, I. M. and Moultrie, T. A. ‘Estimation of fertility by reverse survival’ in Tools for Demographic Estimation, pp. 82-93, 2013.
- Timæus, I. M., Dorrington R.E. and Hill K. ‘Introduction to adult mortality analysis’ in Tools for Demographic Estimation, pp. 191-194, 2013.
- Timæus, I. M. ‘Indirect estimation of adult mortality from orphanhood’, in Tools for Demographic Estimation, pp. 222-243, 2013.
- Timæus, I. M. ‘Indirect estimation of adult mortality from data on siblings’ in Tools for Demographic Estimation, pp. 244-256, 2013.
- Timæus, I. M. ‘Indirect estimation from orphanhood in multiple inquiries’ in Tools for Demographic Estimation, pp. 293-308, 2013.
- Timæus, I. M. ‘Estimation of adult mortality from sibling histories’ in Tools for Demographic Estimation, pp. 310-321, 2013.
- Moultrie, T. A. and Timæus, I. M. ‘Introduction to model life tables’ in Tools for Demographic Estimation, pp. 341-347, 2013.
- Timæus, I. M. and Moultrie, T. A. ‘Fitting model life tables to a pair of estimates of childhood and adult mortality’ in Tools for Demographic Estimation,pp. 348-356, 2013.
- Timæus, I. M. and Moultrie, T. A. ‘Combining indirect estimates of child and adult mortality to produce a life table’ in Tools for Demographic Estimation, pp. 357-367, 2013.
- Scott, A. P. and Timæus, I. M. Mortality differentials 1991-2005 by self-reported ethnicity: findings from the ONS Longitudinal Study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2013, 67, 743-750. (JStor subscribers: Download paper; Accepted version)
- Timæus, I. M. and Moultrie, T. A. Distinguishing the impact of stopping, spacing and postponement on birth intervals in populations with heterogeneous fecundity. Journal of Biosocial Science, 2013, 45, 311-330. (Published version)
- Timæus, I. M., Simelane, S. and Letsoalo, T. Poverty, race, and children’s progress at school in South Africa. Journal of Development Studies, 2013, 49, 270-284. (Accepted version)
- Moultrie T. A., Sayi, T. S. and Timæus, I. M. Birth intervals, postponement, and fertility decline in Africa: A new kind of transition? Population Studies, 2012, 66, 241-258. (JStor subscribers: Download paper; Accepted version)
- Timæus, I. M. Stunting and obesity in childhood: a reassessment using longitudinal data from South Africa. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2012, 41, 764-772. (Open-access)
- Kinyanjui, S. and Timæus, I. M. The International Network for the Demographic Evaluation of Populations and their Health (INDEPTH), the Importance of Core Support. SIDA Review 2010-11. Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, 2010, 62 pp. (ISBN: 9789158641273). (Open-access)
Stover, J.,Johnson, P., Hallett, T., Marston, M., Becquet, R. and Timæus, I. M. The Spectrum projection package: improvements in estimating incidence by age and sex, mother-to-child transmission, HIV progression in children and double orphans. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2010, 86(suppl 2), ii16-ii21. (Open-access)
- Alam, N., van Ginneken, J. K. and Timæus, I. M. Determinants of perceived morbidity and use of health services by children less than 15 years old in rural Bangladesh. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 2009, 13, 119-129.
- Timæus, I. M. and Moultrie, T.A. On postponement and birth intervals. Population and Development Review, 2008, 34, 483-510. (JStor subscribers: Download paper; Accepted version).
Bärnighausen, T., Hosegood, V., Timæus, I. M. and Newell, M-L. The socioeconomic determinants of HIV incidence: evidence from a longitudinal, population-based study in rural South Africa. AIDS, 2007, 21(suppl 7), S29-S38. (PubMed version).
Hosegood, V., Preston-Whyte, E., Busza, J., Moitse, S. and Timæus, I. M. Revealing the full extent of households’ experience of HIV and AIDS in rural South Africa. Social Science and Medicine, 2007, 65, 1249-1259. (PubMed version)
- May, J. D., Agüero, J., Carter M. R. and Timæus, I. M. The KwaZulu-Natal Income Dynamics Study (KIDS) 3rd wave: methods, first findings and an agenda for future research. Development Southern Africa, 2007, 24, 629 – 648. (Accepted version)
Nannan, N., Timæus, I. M. , Laubscher, R. and Bradshaw, D. Levels and differentials in childhood mortality in South Africa, 1977-1998. Journal of Biosocial Science, 2007, 39, 613-632. (Published version)
Timæus, I. M. and Boler, T. Father figures: the progress at school of orphans in South Africa. AIDS, 2007, 21(suppl 7), S83-S93. (Open-access)
Timæus, I. M. ‘Impact of HIV on mortality in Southern Africa: evidence from demographic surveillance, in HIV, Resurgent Infections and Population Change in Africa, M. Carael and J. Glynn (eds). Springer, pp. 231-245, 2007. (More information).
- Bradshaw, D. and Timæus, I. M. ‘Adult mortality levels and trends’, in Disease and Mortality in sub-Saharan Africa, 2nd edition, D. T. Jamison, R. G. Feachem, M. W. Makgoba, E. R. Bos, F. K. Baingana, K. J. Hofman, and K. O. Rogo (eds). World Bank Publications, pp. 31-42, 2006. (Open-access)
Hosegood V. and Timæus, I. M. ‘HIV/AIDS and older people in South Africa‘, in Aging in Sub-Saharan Africa: Recommendations for Furthering Research, B. Cohen and J. Menken (eds). National Academies Press, pp. 150-175, 2006. (Open-access)
- Hosegood, V. and Timæus, I. M. ‘Household composition and dynamics in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa: Mirroring social reality in longitudinal data collection‘, in African Households: Censuses and Surveys, E. van de Walle (ed). M. E. Sharpe, pp. 58-77, 2006. (More information)
Montgomery, C. M., Hosegood, V., Busza, J. and Timæus, I. M. Men’s involvement in the South African family: Engendering change in the AIDS era. Social Science and Medicine, 2006, 62, 2411-2419. (Accepted version)
Grassly, N. C. and Timæus, I. M. Methods to estimate the number of orphans due to AIDS and other causes in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of AIDS, 2005, 39, 365-375.
- Hill, K., Choi, Y. and Timæus, I. M. Unconventional approaches to mortality estimation. Demographic Research, 2005, 13, 281-300. (Open-access)
Hosegood, V. and Timæus I. M. The impact of adult mortality on the living arrangements of older people in rural South Africa. Ageing and Society, 2005, 25, 431-444. (Open-access)
Bradshaw, D., Laubscher, R., Dorrington, R., Bourne, D.E. and Timæus, I. M. Unabated rise in number of adult deaths in South Africa. South African Medical Journal, 2004, 94, 278-279. (Open-access)
Dorrington, R., Moultrie, T. A. and Timæus, I. M. Estimation of Mortality using the South African Census 2001 Data. Monograph no. 11, Centre for Actuarial Research, University of Cape Town, 2004, xi+88 pp. (Open-access)
- Dorrington, R., Timæus, I. M., Moultrie, T. and Nannan, N. Estimates of provincial fertility and mortality in South Africa, 1985-1996. Southern African Journal of Demography. 2004, 9, 25-57. (Open-access; JStor subscribers: Download paper)
Grassly, N. C., Lewis, J. J. C., Mahy, M., Walker, N. and Timæus, I. M. Comparison of household survey estimates with projections of mortality and orphan numbers in sub-Saharan Africa in the era of HIV/AIDS, Population Studies, 2004, 58, 207-217. (JStor subscribers: Download paper; Accepted version)
Hosegood, V., McGrath, N., Herbst, K. and Timæus, I. M. The impact of adult mortality on household dissolution and migration in rural South Africa, AIDS, 2004, 18, 1585-1590. (Open-access)
Hosegood, V., Vanneste, A-M. and Timæus, I. M. Levels and causes of adult mortality in rural South Africa, AIDS, 2004, 18, 663-671. (Open-access)
Notkola, V., Timæus, I. M. and Siiskonen, H. Impact on mortality of the AIDS epidemic in Northern Namibia assessed using parish registers, AIDS, 2004, 18, 1061-1065. (Open-access)
- Timæus, I. M. and Jasseh, M. Adult mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys, Demography, 2004, 41, 757-772. (JStor subscribers: Download paper; Accepted version)
- Bradshaw, D., Groenewald, P., Laubscher, R., Nannan, N., Nojilana, B., Norman, R., Pieterse, D., Schneider, M., Bourne, D., Timæus, I. M., Dorrington, R. and Johnson, L. Initial burden of disease estimates for South Africa, 2000. South African Medical Journal, 2003, 93, 682-688. (Open-access)
- Moultrie, T. A. and Timæus, I. M. The South African fertility decline: Evidence from two censuses and a Demographic and Health Survey. Population Studies, 2003, 57, 265-283. (JStor subscribers: Download paper; Accepted version)
Dorrington, R. E., Bourne, D., Bradshaw, D., Laubscher, R. and Timæus, I. M. Some implications of HIV/AIDS on adult mortality in South Africa. AIDS Analysis Africa, 2002, 12(5), 3-6.
Dorrington, R., Bourne, D., Bradshaw, D., Laubscher, R., and Timæus, I. M. HIV/AIDS data in South Africa. The Lancet, 2002, 360, 1177. [Letter]
- Moultrie, T. A. and Timæus, I. M. Trends in South African Fertility between 1970 and 1998: An analysis of the 1996 Census and the 1998 Demographic and Health Survey. Burden of Disease Unit Technical Report. Medical Research Council, South Africa, 2002, x+81 pp.
Children on the Brink 2002: A Joint Report on Orphan Estimates and Program Strategies. USAID, UNICEF and UNAIDS, 2002, 36pp. [Timæus and 20 other named contributors] (Open-access)
The UNAIDS Reference Group on Estimates, Modelling and Projections. Improved methods and assumptions for estimation of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and its impact: Recommendations of the UNAIDS Reference Group on Estimates, Modelling and Projections. AIDS, 2002, 16, W1-W14. [Timæus and 33 other Reference Group members] (Open-access)
- Collumbien, M., Timæus, I. M. and Acharya, L. ‘Fertility decline in Nepal‘ in Fertility Transition in South Asia, Z. A. Sathar and J. F. Phillips (eds). Oxford University Press, pp. 99-120, 2001. Accepted version – CPS Research Paper 97-2)
Dorrington, R. E., Bourne, D., Bradshaw, R., Laubscher, R. and Timæus, I. M. The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Adult Mortality in South Africa. Burden of Disease Unit Technical Report. Medical Research Council, South Africa, 2001, iii+56 pp.
- Moultrie, T. A. and Timæus, I. M. Fertility and living arrangements in South Africa. Journal of Southern African Studies, 2001, 27, 207-223. (JStor subscribers: Download paper; Accepted version)
- Timæus, I. M. ‘Adult mortality in the less developed world‘, in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, N. J. Smelser and P. B. Baltes (eds). Pergamon, volume 1, pp. 142-147, 2001.
- Timæus, I. M. Commentary: Mortality decline in Senegal. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2001, 30, 1924-1925. (Open-access)
Timæus, I. M., Zaba, B. and Ali, M. ‘Estimation of adult mortality from data on adult siblings‘, in Brass Tacks, B. Zaba and J. G. B. Blacker (eds.), Athlone Press, 43-66, 2001.
- Notkola, V., Timæus, I. M. and Siiskonen, H. Mortality transition in the Ovamboland region of Namibia, 1930-1990. Population Studies, 2000, 54, 153-167. (JStor subscribers: Download paper; Accepted version)
Timæus, I. M. ‘Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa‘ in Health and Mortality: Issues of Global Concern, J. Chamie and R. L. Cliquet (eds). Population Division, United Nations and Population and Family Study Centre (CBGS), pp. 108-131, 1999. (Open-access)
Timæus, I. M. ‘Adult mortality in Africa in the era of AIDS’ in Third African Population Conference: The African Population in the 21st Century. Union for African Population Studies and South Africa, Department of Welfare, volume 2, pp. 377-399, 1999.
Kelly, P., Feldman, R., Ndubani, P., Sri Baboo, K., Timæus, I. M., Farthing, M. J. G., Wallman, S. High adult mortality in Lusaka. (Research letter). The Lancet, 1998, 351, 883.
- Timæus, I. M. ‘Demography‘ in Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, P. Armitage and T. Colton (eds). John Wiley & Sons, volume 2, pp. 1127-1131, 1998.
Timæus, I. M. Impact of the HIV epidemic on mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from national surveys and censuses. AIDS, 1998, 12(suppl 1), S15-S27. (Abstract)
- Timæus, I. M., Harris, K. and Fairbairn, F. ‘Can use of health care explain sex differentials in child mortality in the developing world?‘ in Too Young to Die: Genes or Gender . Population Division, United Nations, pp. 154-178, 1998. (Published version)
- Timæus, I. M. and Reynar, A. Polygynists and their wives in sub-Saharan Africa: an analysis of five Demographic and Health Surveys. Population Studies, 1998, 52, 145-162. (JStor subscribers: Download paper; Accepted version)
- Crook, N., ed. Timæus, I. M. Principles of Population and Development, Oxford University Press, 1997, xii+225 pp.
- Timæus, I. M. Adult health in developing countries. Medicine, 1997, 25, 1-3.
Timæus, I. M. and Nunn, A. J. Measurement of adult mortality in populations affected by AIDS: an assessment of the orphanhood method. Health Transition Review, 1997, 7(suppl 2), 23-43. (JStor subscribers: Download paper)
- Muhwava, W. and Timæus, I. M. Fertility Decline in Zimbabwe. Centre for Population Studies Research Paper 96-1. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 1996. (Open-access)
- Timæus, I. M., Chackiel, J. and Ruzicka, L. (eds) Adult Mortality in Latin America, Clarendon Press, 1996, viii+367 pp.
- Timæus, I. M. and Lopez, A. ‘Introduction’ in ibid, pp. 3-13, 1996.
- Timæus, I. M. ‘New estimates of the decline in adult mortality since 1950’ in ibid, pp. 87-107, 1996. (Accepted version)
Walraven, G., Nicoll, A., Njau, M. and Timæus, I. M. The impact of HIV-1 infection on child health in sub-Saharan Africa: the burden on the health services. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 1996, 1, 3-14.
- Onuoha, N. C. and Timæus, I. M. Has a fertility transition begun in West Africa? Journal of International Development, 1995, 7, 93-116.
- Timæus, I. M. and Lush, L. Intra-urban differentials in child health. Health Transition Review, 1995, 5, 163-190. (Open-access; JStor subscribers: Download paper)
- Cleland, J., Onuoha, N. and Timæus, I. M. ‘Fertility change in sub-Saharan Africa: a review of the evidence‘ in The Onset of Fertility Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa, T. Locoh and V. Hertich (eds). Ordina Editions, pp. 1-20, 1994. (Accepted version)
Nicoll, A., Timæus, I. M., Kigadye, R-M. Walraven, G. and Killewo, J. The impact of HIV-1 infection on mortality in children under 5 years of age in sub-Saharan Africa: a demographic and epidemiologic analysis. AIDS, 1994, 8, 995-1005. (Open-access)
- Paget, W. J. and Timæus, I. M. A relational Gompertz model of male fertility: development and assessment. Population Studies, 1994, 48, 333-340. (JStor subscribers: Download paper)
- Sloggett, A., Brass, W., Eldridge, S. M., Timæus, I. M., Ward, P. and Zaba, B. Estimation of Demographic Parameters from Census Data. United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific, 1994, vi+111 pp.
- Timæus, I. M. ‘Adult mortality‘ in Demographic Change in Sub-Saharan Africa, K. A. Foote, K. H. Hill and L. G. Martin (eds). National Academy Press, pp. 218-255, 1993. (Open-access)
- Timæus, I. M. Estimation of adult mortality from paternal orphanhood: a reassessment and a new approach. Population Bulletin of the United Nations, 1992, 33, 47-63. (Published version)
- Clarke, L. and Timæus, I. M. Using the GHS to study families. General Household Survey Newsletter, 1991, 9, 3135.
- Timæus, I. M. ‘New estimates of adult mortality from DHS data on the timing of orphanhood relative to marriage‘ in Proceedings of the Demographic and Health Surveys World Conference, Washington, D.C., 1991. IRD/Macro International, pp. 857-874, 1991. (Open-access)
- Timæus, I. M. Measurement of adult mortality in less developed countries: a comparative review. Population Index, 1991, 57, 552-568. (JStor subscribers: Download paper)
- Timæus, I. M. Estimation of adult mortality from orphanhood before and since marriage. Population Studies, 1991, 45, 455-472. (JStor subscribers: Download paper and Download important erratum)
- Timæus, I. M. Estimation of mortality from orphanhood in adulthood. Demography, 1991, 28, 213-227. (JStor subscribers: Download paper)
- Timæus, I. M. ‘Adult mortality: levels, trends and data sources’ in Disease and Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa, R. G. Feachem and D. T. Jamison (eds). Oxford University Press, pp. 87-100, 1991.
- Al-Jem, M., Timæus, I. M. and Aoun, S. ‘La Mortalité au Maroc d’apres les résultats de l’ENPS’ in Determinants of Health and Mortality in Africa, A.G. Hill (ed). DHS Further Analysis Series, 10. The Population Council/IRD Macro International, pp. 183-208, 1990. (Open-access)
- Chaouai, A., Timæus, I. M. and Aoun, S. ‘Mortalité des jeune enfants et caractéristiques medico-sanitaires et socio-économiques au Maroc’ in Determinants of Health and Mortality in Africa, A. G. Hill (ed). DHS Further Analysis Series, 10. The Population Council/IRD Macro International, pp. 209-238, 1990. (Open-access)
- Timæus, I. M. The fall in the number of children in care: a demographic analysis, 1977 – 1986. Journal of Social Policy, 1990, 19, 375-395.
- Timæus, I. M. Advances in the Measurement of Adult Mortality from Data on Orphanhood. CPS Research Paper, 90-1. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 1990.
- Feachem, R. G., Graham, W. J. and Timæus, I. M. Identifying health problems and health research priorities in developing countries. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1989, 92, 133-191.
- Timæus, I. M. and Graham, W. J. ‘Labor circulation, marriage and fertility in Southern Africa‘ in Reproduction and Social Organization in sub-Saharan Africa, R. Lesthaeghe (ed). University of California Press, pp. 365-400, 1989. (Open-access)
- Timæus, I. M. and Graham, W. J. Measuring Adult Mortality in Less Developed Countries: a Review and Assessment of Methods. Policy, Planning and Research Working Paper WPS 155. The World Bank, 1989. (More information)
- Harpham, T. and Timæus, I. M. Objectives and Methods of a World Health Survey. Policy, Planning and Research Working Paper WPS 13. The World Bank, 1988. (More information)
- Timæus, I. M. and Clarke, L. Using the GHS to study families. General Household Survey Newsletter, 1988, 5, 18-21.
- Timæus, I. M. ‘Regional differentials in adult mortality in sub-Saharan Africa’ in African Population Conference, Dakar, 1988. International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, volume 2, pp. 3.2.39-3.2.52, 1988.
- Timæus, I. M., Harpham, T., Price, M. and Gilson, L. Health surveys in developing countries: the objectives and design of an international programme. Social Science and Medicine, 1988,27, 359-368.
- Timæus, I. M. ‘Adult mortality in Mauritania’ in Evaluation de l’Enquête Nationale Mauritanienne sur la Fecondité. WFS Scientific Reports, 83. International Statistical Institute, 1987.
- Timæus, I. M. ‘Estimation of fertility and mortality from WFS household surveys’ in The World Fertility Survey: An Assessment, J. Cleland and C. Scott (eds). Oxford University Press, pp. 93-128, 1987.
- Timæus, I. M. Families and households of the elderly population: Prospects for those approaching old age. Ageing and Society, 1986, 6, 271-293. (Published version)
- Timæus, I. M. An assessment of methods for estimating adult mortality from two sets of data on maternal orphanhood. Demography, 1986, 23, 435-450. (JStor subscribers: Download paper)
- Blacker, J. G. C., Hill, A. G. and Timæus, I. M. ‘Age patterns of mortality in Africa: an examination of recent evidence’ in International Population Conference, Florence, 1985. International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, volume 2, pp. 287-298, 1985.
- Ni Bhrolchain, M. and Timæus, I. M. A general approach to the machine handling of event history data. Social Science Information, 1985, 24, 161-188.
- Timæus, I. M. A population policy for South Africa? People, 1984, 11(4), 33.
- Timæus, I. M. and Balasubramanian, K. Evaluation of the Lesotho Fertility Survey 1977. WFS Scientific Reports, 58. International Statistical Institute, 1984.
- Timæus, I. M. Mortality in Lesotho: a Study of Levels, Trends and Differentials based on Retrospective Survey Data. WFS Scientific Reports, 59. International Statistical Institute, 1984.
Reports, Preprints and Conference Papers
- Adjiwanou, V., Alam, N., Alkema, L., Asiki, G., Bawah, A., Béguy, D., et al. Measuring excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in low- and lower-middle income countries: the need for mobile phone surveys. SocArXiv, 2020 (May 19). doi: 10.31235/
Timæus, I. M. ‘Deaths in the family: AIDS, demography and poverty in Africa‘. Inaugural Lecture delivered to the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 26 February, 2008.
Timæus, I. M. ‘Estimation and Projection of Dual Orphans in Populations with Generalized HIV Epidemics: Updated Methods‘. Report to UNAIDS, 2008.
Grassly, N. C., and Timæus, I. M. ‘Orphans and AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa‘. Paper presented at the UN Population Division Workshop on HIV/AIDS and Adult Mortality in Developing Countries, New York, 8-13th September, 2003.
Timæus, I. M. ‘Estimates of HIV/AIDS mortality in National Populations’. Paper presented to the Symposium on ‘Measuring the Impact of HIV/AIDS on Mortality in High Prevalence Countries’, XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 7-12th July, 2002.
Timæus, I. M., Dorrington, R., Bradshaw, D., Nannan, N. and Bourne, D. ‘Adult Mortality in South Africa, 1980-2000: From Apartheid to AIDS’. Paper presented at the Population Association of America annual meeting, Washington, D.C., 29-31st March, 2001.
Bradshaw, D., Dorrington, R., Bourne, D., Laubscher, R., Nannan, N. and Timæus, I. M. ‘AIDS Mortality in South Africa’. Paper presented to the AIDS in Context conference, University of the Witswatersrand, South Africa, 4-7th April, 2001.
Timæus, I. M. , Bradshaw, D, Dorrington, R., and Nannan, N. ‘Reversal in Adult Mortality Trends in South Africa’. Poster presented at the 13th International AIDS Conference, Durban, South Africa, 9-14th July, 2000.
- Vos, E. T., Timæus, I. M., Huttly, S. R. A., Murray, C. J. L. and Michaud, C. M. ‘Mauritius Health Sector Reform: National Burden of Disease Study’. Final report to the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, Mauritius, 1995.
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