Ovid have announced a number of major updates and new features for the Embase database. These will go live on 19 September 2016.
The most important updates are:
- The thesaurus/Emtree display will change to include full History Notes and other information provided by Elsevier.
- 16 new fields will be added to each record including details of grant numbers and grant organization.
- Article status will now include Articles in Press, Inprocess, Medline or Embase.
- If you wish to search by date, you can search by Date Delivered (DD) which is when the original article information was delivered to Ovid, or by Date Created (DC) which is when the original file was created for Embase by Elsevier. Date Created will be earlier or the same date as Date Delivered.
Ovid have created a video explaining the highlights.
Please email support@ovid.com if this has an impact on any saved searches you may have. The Ovid help team can help you update your saved searches so that they continue to retrieve the results you need.