The 3rd of December is International Day of People with Disabilities, it originated back in 1992 by the United Nations, as a day of celebration for anyone living with disabilities. It is an international day of awareness, to highlight in the inequalities, marginalisation and the lack of accessibilities people face on a day to day basis. It is a day to highlight the actions and behaviours we should be taking every day, in order to make a more caring and respectful community.
To highlight The International Day of People with Disabilities, the library will have a display for the month ahead, showcasing a selection of books from the collection which focus on people living with disabilities, the rights, the challenges and the change.

What is IDPWD for?
What is IDPWD for?” – taken from International Day of People with Disabilities | About the Movement (idpwd.org)
- Celebration – to recognize and value the diversity of our global community, and to cherish the role we all play, regardless of our abilities;
- Learning – to understand and learn from the experiences of people with living with a disability;
- It is a day for optimism – to look towards the future and the creation of a world where a person is not characterised by their disabilities, but by their abilities;
- Action – where all people, organisations, agencies and charities not only show their support for International Day of People with Disabilities, but take on a commitment to create a world characterised by equal human rights