Benefits of Open Access

Are you curious about Open Access and what this all means for your research ? If you are not, well you should be ! There are many numerous benefits for you and LSHTM to publish Open Access, including achieving global exposure for your research, increased citation rates, and building up a bank of knowledge that other researchers can utilise to expand further research, which fosters cooperation. Also Open Access provides for happy tax payers as they know how their money is being spent !

Another important element is that most of the major funding bodies in the UK, will expect any research they fund to be made freely available via a repository or in a hybrid journal (contains both Open Access and Subscription content ).
In fact, from next year (2022), this will need to happen on publication for authors funded by many of the big funders such as UKRI/NIHR: The Wellcome and Gates Foundation already have this policy in place.
Our Service Desk pages explain about funding options and possible routes for publishing, so if your curiosity is piqued, even a little bit, please see our webpages at :

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