World Hunger Day was founded by the Hunger Project in 2011 to call attention to the global food crisis. On May 28th each year the Hunger Project invites us as global citizens to highlight sustainable solutions to world hunger and declare our own role in making a hunger-free planet a reality.
The current food system is failing to meet the needs of nearly 2.4 billion people – almost a third of our planet. This level of dysfunction affects not only the current population but has the potential to devastate future generations.
Further information and statistics are available on the World Hunger Day website where you can also download global and local toolkits to enable your involvement.
The Library collections contain print and online resources on the topic of world hunger, nutrition and global food policy. Resources can be found by searching in the Library’s search tool, Discover. Print books on these subjects can be found in the Reading Room, shelf mark BEX. A selection of books from this section are on display in the Library’s Reading Room.

Image via @WorldHungerDay.