19th August 2023 is World Humanitarian Day, a yearly day of observance established by the UN to recognise the contributions of humanitarian workers. Their theme this year is “the importance, effectiveness and positive impact of humanitarian work.” In recognition of the day, why not take a look at some of the books the Library has on humanitarian work and humanitarianism from a public health perspective? The latest Library book display should have you covered for these topics, but if you want to browse more, try shelf mark SQD for further volumes on disasters and emergencies, or search the Library catalogue on Discover.

Books on display
- Walker, Bridget. Women and Emergencies. Oxford: Oxfam, 1994. SQC.W.03 1994.
- Hill, Kenneth. War, Humanitarian Crises, Population Displacement, and Fertility: a Review of Evidence. Washington DC: National Academies Press, 2004. SQC.W.03 2004.
- Principles of Disaster Mitigation in Health Facilities. Washington, D.C: Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Relief Coordination Program, Pan American Health Organization, Regional Office of the World Health Organization, 2000. SQD 2000.
- Stoddart, Abby, Adele Harmer, and Katherine Haver. Providing Aid in Insecure Environments : Trends in Policy and Operations. London: Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute, 2006. SQD 2006.
- Kapur, G. Bobby, and Jeffrey P. Smith. Emergency Public Health: Preparedness and Response. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2011. SQD 2011.
- Mosse, David, ed. Adventures in Aidland : the Anthropology of Professionals in International Development. First paperback edition. New York: Berghahn Books, 2013. SQD 2013.
- The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response. Fourth edition, 2018 edition. Rugby, United Kingdom: Practical Action Publishing, 2018. SQD 2018.
- Health Emergencies and Disasters : Experiences from the Western Pacific Region. Bangkok: SEAMEO Regional Tropical Medicine and Public Health Network, 2009. SQD.224 2009.
- Powers, Robert, and Elaine Kiess Daily. International Disaster Nursing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. SQD.RX.09 2010.
- Loughry, Maryanne, and Carola Eyber. Psychosocial Concepts in Humanitarian Work with Children: a Review of the Concepts and Related Literature. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2003. SQD.W 2003.
- Bornstein, Erica, and Peter Redfield. Forces of Compassion: Humanitarianism Between Ethics and Politics. Santa Fe, N.M: SAR, 2010. SQD.ZR 2010.
- Allen, Tim, Anna Macdonald, and Henry Radice, eds. Humanitarianism: a Dictionary of Concepts. London: Routledge, 2018. SQD.ZR 2018.