All posts in Archives

The Historical Collection: Cottage hospitals general, fever, and convalescent by Henry C. Burdett

Today, we will take a quick look at Henry C. Burdett’s book Cottage Hospitals General, Fever, and Convalescent. This book is part of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Library’s historical collection and can be found under the Barnard Classification Scheme classmark of SYBH (Cottage Hospitals…

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The Historical Collection: Small Pox and the debate over early vaccination

In this blogpost we take a look at a couple of books found in the Reece Collection, a collection of items largely on the topics of small pox and early vaccination once owned by Richard J Reece.

In the early 19th century, the advent of vaccination sparked intense debates within…

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An image of a cows head

Historical Collection: The Victorian meat market, tainted meat, and public health crisis—a look at W. Wylde’s The Inspection of Meat. 

This is a blog post about the book “The Inspection of Meat: A Guide and Instruction Book to Officers Supervising Contract-Meat and to All Sanitary Inspectors Embodying the Teaching Imparted to the Army Service Corps.” By W. Wylde. This item is part of the London School of Hygiene and…

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1st April 1924: The Beginning of The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

On the 1st of April 1924 the School was granted its Royal Charter and it’s name was changed from the London School of Tropical Medicine to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.  

The School originally opened as the London School of Tropical Medicine on 2nd October 1899…

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Art at LSHTM

The LSHTM Contemporary Arts Programme

The LSHTM Archive recently catalogued and made available to researchers papers relating to the LSHTM Contemporary Arts Programme. The collection consists of material relating to commissioned artworks and exhibitions that took place at the School between 2000-2005.

Tony Fletcher, who has been at the…

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World AIDS Day 2023

Today is World AIDS, an international day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic and commemorating those who have died of the disease.

The World Health Organization (WHO) designates World AIDS Day as one of its eleven official global public health campaigns, marking it on 1 December every year…

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Endsleigh Gardens

Class of 1923

As we welcome new students to the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, it seems appropriate that we reflect on the students who attended 100 years ago, the class of 1923.

The 73rd session ran from September to December. 63 students attended the School, of these 57 were…

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William Brass and Medical Research in East Africa

The LSHTM Archive recently catalogued and made available to researchers the papers of William Brass (1921 – 1999).

William Brass was a demographer, meaning that he undertook statistical research of human populations. Throughout his career he developed indirect methods for estimating mortality and fertility in populations lacking comprehensive registrations of births…

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Dr Donald Minter in a Cypriot cave c.1990

The Minter Trap and other volunteering experiences

By Becky Darnill

As part of my Archives and Records Management course at UCL, I undertook a two-week placement with the archive team at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. I was given the opportunity to create a catalogue structure for a collection of papers recently donated…

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Chat with us!

If you’ve used our website or searched our resources lately, you may well have spotted this shiny new icon:

This is there as we’re currently trialling an instant webchat service, provided by LibraryH3lp. The service has been running for about a month so far and we’re pleased…

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