All posts in Archives

World AIDS Day Posters 2016

An exhibition to mark World AIDS Day is now on display in the Library. The exhibition contains AIDS awareness campaign posters, leaflets and ephemera from the 1980s and 1990s.

The posters and ephemera were brought together from a wide range of European countries, including Russia, Romania and Switzerland and were…

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Sir Ronald Ross’s Slides under the Microscope

In 2015, students from the History & Health MSc module suggested that we put Sir Ronald Ross’s collection of malarial slides under the microscope. This collection, dating from the 1890s, in its beautiful wooden box, is one of my favourite items in the archive, so I have to admit…

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Explore Your Archive: The Great War Bake Off 2016 – The Winners!


As part of Explore your Archive week where archives nationally showcase their collections, the School’s Archives Service asked staff and students to bake a First World War or Second World War recipe, including those found in the Archives Service’s Nutrition Collection. Well, the School’s esteemed bakers…

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Under the Microscope: my first week in the Archives

By Alison Forsey

I am the new Archives Assistant here at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and wanted to write about a recent outreach activity during my first week here.

The first week in a new role is always a bit overwhelming, but luckily I had the…

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Research data repositories suitable for LSHTM researchers

Publishing data to accompany your journal articles

Data sharing can help you to increase the impact of your research. Studies by Piwowar, Day and Fridsma (2007) and Piwowar and Vision (2013) have found that journal articles with accompanying data receive more citations in comparison to those with no accompanying data, and that data is often used in new research, leading to the original creators being cited in data reuse papers. In this blog post I’ll discuss how you can publish resources - data, processing scripts, code and other material – with journals and digital repositories, and consider new opportunities offered by data journals. Read more

Ross in uniform

Sir Ronald Ross in 1916

To commemorate Armistice Day on 11 November, we decided to see what Sir Ronald Ross was up to during 1916 in terms of his war work. Up to 1916, he had undertaken a number of roles. In December 1914 Ross was appointed Consulting Physician in Tropical Diseases to the Hospitals…

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Explore Your Archive: The Great War Bake Off – 2016

Do you believe baking is a piece of cake? Could you give Nadia Hussain a run for her money? Then the LSHTM Archives’ Great War Bake-Off wants you!

As part of Explore Your Archive week, which runs nationally November 19th – 27th, the Archives have delved into their Nutrition Collection…

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Collection of the Month: Macfie

Our collection of the month is that of Dr John William Scott Macfie (1879-1948), a Medical Officer with the Colonial Office who embarked on 8 tours of West Africa between 1910 and 1922. It was also during this time Macfie volunteered with the Royal Army Medical Corps between 1917…

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Class of 1916

For all the new students this year, we thought it would be a great opportunity to meet the students from 100 years ago. In 1916, the School ran three sessions during the year; the 52nd session began in October 1916 and ran to December. 7 students attended, made up entirely…

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Changing Face of Keppel Street: Oral History Project

Changing Face of Keppel Street: Oral History Project

As part of the ‘Changing Face of Keppel Street’ exhibition, currently on display in the Keppel Street foyer, LSHTM staff members were interviewed to capture their recollections of their time at the School.

Edited versions of these interviews are available to view…

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