All posts in Archives

Love in the time of Sleeping Sickness

There’s happiness in love                Peter mine that will raise our souls above,      Peter mine, Hearts together we will roam through long ages yet to come Finding nature Truth our own…

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International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Today is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. To mark the occasion we are shining a light on the life and work of Alice Ball. Ball was one of three women – along with Florence Nightingale and Marie Sklowdoska-Curie – added to LSHTM’s iconic frieze of medical…

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The group photo below shows the laboratory girls Jane and Louise (middle row right and left respectively).

LSHTM and the First World War

Today is Armistice Day, a day where we remember those who fought and died in the First World War. Many of the staff and students of the School joined the war effort and to commemorate their efforts we have created this post to show what staff from the School did…

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Origins of LSHTM on our 120th birthday

120 years ago today, on 2nd October 1899, the School opened its doors to its first students. LSHTM has been celebrating our 120th anniversary with a number of events, more information is on our LSHTM 120 page on our website.

Here is a short history of how the School was…

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Class of 1919

As we welcome new students to the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, it seems appropriate that we reflect on the students who attended 100 years ago, the class of 1919.

The 61st session ran from October to December. 52 students attended the School, of these 46 were men…

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More artwork at LSHTM

To follow up a recent post on Artwork at LSHTM, we are focusing on some more wonderful pieces of art that are on display in the Keppel Street building.

This weekend (21-22 September) visitors will be able to view these pieces as part of Open House London.



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The School in 1929

During July the Archives Service has been celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Keppel Street building with a display on the history of the building, and regular tweets and blog posts. For our final blog post, we thought that we’d concentrate on the staff and students who were at…

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Artwork in Keppel Street

During our regular tours of the building, we point out the various artworks which are on display around the Keppel Street building. In 2000, the School established a contemporary art programme. The initial idea was to commission or purchase some sculptures and pictures, but the building has relatively few suitable…

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Opening ceremony of the Keppel Street building

The School was officially opened by HRH The Prince of Wales (who went onto become Edward 8th who abdicated), on 18th July 1929 at 12pm. On arrival he was welcomed by the Chairman of the Board of Management, Lord Melchett; Chairman of the Court of Governors, Sir Holburt Waring; and…

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Library Feedback

It’s that time of year again, as we come to the end of the academic year, that we ask you how you think we’re doing. You will receive an email from the Library asking you 2 questions:

Overall how satisfied are you with the Library & Archives Service…

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