All posts in Sustainability

Book Display: World Environment Day 2024

World Environment Day, observed annually on 5 June, serves as a global platform for raising awareness and prompting action for environmental protection. Established by the United Nations in 1973, this day has become one of the most significant global events dedicated to environmental advocacy, engaging individuals, communities, and governments in…

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Green Libraries Week – Climate Crisis Eresources

Throughout Green Libraries Week, we’ve been blogging about the relationship between sustainability and libraries, and highlighting LSHTM Library resources and initiatives. As noted in the introductory post on Monday, the climate crisis can affect and is affecting every one of us, while particularly affecting many of the world’s…

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Green Libraries Week – Energy Use and Waste Reduction

Acting sustainably as a university library is about reducing consumption of resources where possible, and reducing wasted resources through reuse. We’ve already explored the importance of acting sustainably with regard to water yesterday in another blogpost. Energy is another resource we need to use carefully, especially while universities are…

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Green Libraries Week – Water Sustainability

Water is at the core of sustainable development and is critical for socio-economic development, healthy ecosystems and for human survival itself. Its judicious management is a prerequisite for sustainable development.

In the last 15 years, consumption of bottled water has doubled. Along with an increase in consumption of…

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02 – 08 October 2023 is Green Libraries Week

Every year Libraries Week celebrates the contribution that libraries have to offer their communities across the UK. Libraries Week is organised by the library and information association, CILIP and the theme this year is climate change and sustainability:

“In 2023, Libraries Week becomes Green Libraries Week, a celebration of the…

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