All posts in Plan S

Does LSHTM need an institutional rights retention policy?

Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash


For too long research outputs have been restricted behind paywalls, with authors unable to reuse their own work without first getting permission from their publisher – having signed away their rights in restrictive licence to publish agreements. We argue that having an institutional…

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Coming soon: UKRI’s new Open Access policy!

It’s what we’ve been waiting for – news on UKRI’s new open access policy, and their take on Plan S!*

The new policy applies to:

peer-reviewed research articles submitted for publication on or after 1 April 2022.monographs, book chapters and edited collections published on or after…

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Plan S: an update

Well, it’s 4 weeks to Christmas and that means that it’s 5 weeks until the first funders commit to Plan S! On 1st January 2021, Wellcome Trust and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will officially be Plan S-ers.

What follows is a quick reminder of what this…

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Plan S – Key Updates and Transformative Agreements

As developments in the implementation of Plan S begin to gain pace, it is important that researchers at LSHTM prepare themselves to stay informed of changes that may impact their planned publications as we move forward into a shifting publishing landscape. This is especially true for researchers funded by bodies…

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