All posts in Training

Library inductions

Library Inductions for new students

Welcome to all our new students! We look forward to supporting you in your studies this year.

There is a lot of information for new arrivals to take in during orientation week.  When you have time, come along to the Library when we are open – the staff here will be…

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Library peer-review service

Peer-review of systematic review search strategies: a new service from your Library and Archives Service

Introducing a new service for researchers, staff and MSc students working on MSc Projects

Peer-review of systematic review search strategies
You can now have your systematic review search strategy peer-reviewed by a Librarian. The peer-review is based on the Peer-Review for Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS) guidance…

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Tavistock Place

Starting a research grant at LSHTM – Things you should know for the first year

The Library & Archives Service will be holding a training event for staff wishing to better understand LSHTM processes for setting up a research grant and how they can deal with project management issues. This event will be held on Monday Feb 13, at 2-5pm in the Mary Seacole room at Tavistock Place and is open to all LSHTM staff. Read more

Bloomsbury Data Week

Bloomsbury Data Week: 16-20 January 2017

The LSHTM Research Data Management Service are organising a series of events with our counterparts at SOAS and Birkbeck to celebrate research data in its various forms. Join us during 16-20th January 2017 for the following events. Read more


Library Information Skills Training for new students

A warm welcome to all our new students – we look forward to supporting in your studies this year!

There is a lot of information for new arrivals to take in during orientation week.  When you have had a chance to catch your breath, please come along to the Library any…

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Major updates and new features on Embase

Ovid have announced a number of major updates and new features for the Embase database. These will go live on 19 September 2016.

The most important updates are:

The thesaurus/Emtree display will change to include full History Notes and other information provided by Elsevier.
16 new fields will be…

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1-1 Help with Summer Projects

Starting this Wednesday (15th of June) the Library will be offering a series of 1-1 appointments for students to discuss their Summer Projects.

Appointments will last 30 minutes and will be an opportunity for students to discuss their search strategies with a qualified librarian.

For further information (and to…

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