PASCAL trial access

Trial access to PASCAL database, available 1st – 31st August 2016.

PASCAL is a multidisciplinary and multilingual database for science, technology and medicine. There is a particular emphasis on European content. The database is produced by the Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique of the Centre National de la Recherche…

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90th Anniversary: Laying of the Foundation Stone

Today, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, marks the 90th year of the laying of the school’s Foundation Stone by future Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. It would be another three years until the school was officially opened by the H.R.H Prince of Wales on the…

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In 1884 London hosted an International Health Exhibition under the patronage of Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales, and directed by an Executive Council.

It’s aims were far-sighted. It covered everything that promoted the preservation of good health in the populace through displays…

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The Changing Face of Keppel Street Exhibition

Our exhibition on the history of the site and the building goes on display this week. The idea behind the exhibition is to showcase some of the amazing archival material that the School holds on the Keppel Street building and to highlight how the building has changed since it was…

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Journal Consultation 2016

On the 4th July 2016 the Library will be launching its annual journal consultation.  This is your chance to let the Library know which titles are relevant to your needs, whether it be for learning, teaching, or researching.

There are 3 different questionnaires, one for each Faculty:

EPH: http://bit…

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DOI 101

What is a DOI?

A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an alphanumeric string that is assigned to content in order to identify it and provide a persistent link to its location on the Internet. This link is functional even if the URLs or services change over time and the resource…

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1-1 Help with Summer Projects

Starting this Wednesday (15th of June) the Library will be offering a series of 1-1 appointments for students to discuss their Summer Projects.

Appointments will last 30 minutes and will be an opportunity for students to discuss their search strategies with a qualified librarian.

For further information (and to…

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Oxford Scholarship Online trial

From the 28 June 2016 the Library & Archives Service will provide trial access for 5 months to the STM Collection in Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO).  The STM Collection is being made available by EBA (Evidence Based Acquisition), which means that at the end of the trial the Library will…

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School building photo competition

As part of ‘The Changing Face of Keppel Street’ exhibition, which will be on display around the School between July and September 2016, we are launching a photo competition for staff and students! We are looking for impressing and creative photos of different parts of the School building.

What sort…

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Ebook Central Trial

On 31 May 2016, the Library will begin a trial of Ebook Central from ProQuest. This platform provides access to more than 700,000 ebooks, across a huge range of subjects. These are available on a ‘Demand-Driven Acquisition’ model, meaning that the library will consider acquiring access to books…

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