All posts tagged Decolonisation

Picture of Charles Stille, author of History of the United States Sanitary Commission.

History of the United States Sanitary Commission

History of the United States Sanitary Commission / by Charles J Stillé – New York : Hurd and Houghton, 1868.

For digitized copy (Wellcome Collection) follow this link:

Founded in 1861 to support sick and wounded soldiers of the U.S. Army (Union Army) during the American Civil…

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William Brass and Medical Research in East Africa

The LSHTM Archive recently catalogued and made available to researchers the papers of William Brass (1921 – 1999).

William Brass was a demographer, meaning that he undertook statistical research of human populations. Throughout his career he developed indirect methods for estimating mortality and fertility in populations lacking comprehensive registrations of births…

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Decolonising the Archive: colonial language in our archival catalogue

As part of our commitment to decolonisation at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, we’ve been reviewing the language used in our archival catalogue. We found many examples of outdated language, such as colonial place names. Archival documentation is an interpretive act which takes place within a…

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