All posts tagged First World War

1915 Bilharzia Expedition

In February 1915, three members of School Staff: Robert Leiper, Reginald Cockin and John Gordon Thomson, set off for Egypt to study bilharzia among the troops at the request of the War Office. Leiper, a helminthologist, led the expedition and had experience of studying this disease before the war. In…

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Archives: A first taste

By Ian Walden

The past two weeks have been something of a blur. Volunteering with the School’s archives is my first step towards qualifying as an archivist, gaining essential experience before enrolling on an MA course in Archive Management. I knew there would be a learning curve, but I…

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Work Experience at the LSHTM Archives: Great War Bake Off and Other Projects

By Louise Woof

I have been fortunate enough to be able to spend two weeks at the archive, learning the role of an archivist and undertaking various projects from listing AIDS research papers to setting up displays for the Great War Bake Off. Here is a brief glimpse of a…

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Enter the Archives Great War Bake-Off

Could you bake an Eggless Fruit Cake, a Spiced Apple Sauce Cake, 1916 Gingerbread Sponge or even a First World War Trench Cake?

Now is your chance to show off your baking skills in LSHTM Archive’s Great War Bake-Off. As part of Explore Your Archive week, which runs…

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Ross’s War – death of Second Lieutenant Ronald Campbell Ross

Sir Ronald Ross and his wife, Rosa, had four children, the eldest Ronald Campbell was killed at the start of the war in the retreat from Mons. Ross writes about his son’s death in his Memoirs which were published in 1923. His son had just obtained his commission as…

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Sir Ronald Ross’ poem to mark the start of the First World War, ‘Black August, 1914’


On 14th August 1914, Britain officially entered the conflict that became known as the First World War. Sir Ronald Ross marked the occasion by writing a poem about the event which resonates with the spirit of the eve-of-war remarks of the British foreign secretary at the time…

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Improving Health in Wartime Exhibition

August 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War. To commemorate this event, the Library & Archives Service has created an exhibition to show how tropical medicine and public health professionals have worked to improve health in areas of conflict since the First World War…

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5 days at the Archives

Author: Emma Fullerton-Frost

This week I have been doing year 12 work experience at the LSHTM archives. I have had the chance to learn more about both archives and the history of the school. For this blog I have completed some research based on what’s in the Ross…

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