All posts tagged NHS

The Historical Collection: Cottage hospitals general, fever, and convalescent by Henry C. Burdett

Today, we will take a quick look at Henry C. Burdett’s book Cottage Hospitals General, Fever, and Convalescent. This book is part of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Library’s historical collection and can be found under the Barnard Classification Scheme classmark of SYBH (Cottage Hospitals…

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International Women’s Day: 2019

International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Today is a great chance to remind ourselves of all the women who have contributed to science, technology, engineering and mathematics throughout their various histories and who may have been…

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LSHTM & The NHS: 70 years of Involvement

Today, the nation is celebrating 70 years of the National Health Service. In 1948, leaflets were sent to households throughout England and Wales promising medical care for, ‘Everyone – rich or poor, man, woman, or child – can use it…it will relieve your money worries in times of illness’, a core…

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