All posts tagged registered reports funding partnership

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Open Research seminar: Cancer Research UK’s Registered Reports Funding Partnership: lessons to improve research quality, transparency and reproducibility

THURSDAY JULY 18, 2024. 12:00–13:00 BST
Attendance Link:

This online seminar will introduce Registered Reports and a new pathway being piloted at Cancer Research UK (CRUK) to submit Registered Reports to journals for peer review, alongside the grant application and review process. CRUK’s unique pilot is being performed in consortium with 12 journals and the University of Bristol.

Attendees will gain an understanding of Registered Reports, the rationale for CRUK’s pilot, how the Registered Reports Funding Partnership pathway works and the process for preparing a report for publication. The seminar will share different consortium partner perspectives and requirements – from a publisher, a funder and an academic institution – and highlight insights, feedback from researchers about opting-into to the pilot, advice on putting together a report and how to avoid common pitfalls.

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