All posts tagged researchonline

Open Access Week 2014

The School celebrated Open Access Week with two 90 minute seminars. The first was held at Keppel Street on Thursday, while the second took place on Friday.

Emma Golding, Research Online Administrator kicked off by presenting the Publishing Open Access webpages for staff and students at the School have recently…

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Fresh Martian Impact Crater by Stuart Rankin

Explaining Altmetrics at LSHTM

Fresh Martian Impact Crater by Stuart Rankin (CC-BY)

As users of the School’s Publications Database and LSHTM Research Online may have noticed the Altmetrics plug-in which records social media mentions of research by our academic staff.

It’s an impressive tool which…

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Beware the predatory publishers

Taking a stand against predatory publishers

As ‘Open Access’ has become an integral part of scholarly communication there have been a number of new entrants to the scholarly publishing market who have been deemed ‘predatory’. It is likely that researchers will have received e-mails from these predators offering to…

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A quick look back at 2013



Some rights reserved by garryknight CC BY-SA 2.0

With the beginning of a new year and a new blog we thought it would be good to look over what exactly we did last year in LSHTM Research Online so..


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