Born in Moshi Rural District, Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania on 19th February 1946. Received his primary and secondary education in Moshi and in 1968 joined the University of Dar Es Salaam for a BSc degree course in Biology and Geography. In August 1971 he received a scholarship from the African-American Institution for MSc course in Medical Entomology at North Dakota University, Fargo-USA.
Upon his return in 1973, he joined the then East African Community malaria research institute at Amani, Tanga-Tanzania. He was assigned to work in a WHO supported filariasis control and through this project he enrolled for a PhD program at the Dar Es Salaam University –Faculty of Medicine, graduating in 1980. After the collapse of the East African Community in 1978, he joined The International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology where he conducted studies on the ecology of malaria vectors.
Between 1985 and 1987, he worked as a World Health Organisation consultant in the Onchocerciasis Control Program, conducting research on blackfly control. He then returned to Tanzania where he joined The Tropical Pesticides Research Institute in Arusha as a chief research officer then Director. In 1998 he joined the newly established KCM College as one of the founding faculty members, rising from the position of Senior Lecturer to full Professor.
During his working period at ICIPE and TPRI, he undertook four to six months training courses in insect cytogenetics (University of Rome) and Advanced administration (University of Pittsburg, USA).
His activities at KCMC have included undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in Medical Parasitology and Entomology as well as Environmental Health, Bioethics and GCP. Hs also supervised a number of MSc students and a total number of 8 PhDs.
Research activities have been in the areas of filariasis, amoebiasis, malaria clinical trials and transmission studies and currently-malaria vector control. He has published a total number of 83 papers in peer review journals and has made presentations in various national and international conferences.