OA Week Competition: Emoji Your OA Research

To help celebrate Open Access Week, we are running a competition to find the best emoji-based tweet about open access LSHTM research. To have a chance of winning a £25 Amazon.co.uk voucher, tweet a summary of your research only using emojis.

For example the following represents the School’s RDM Policy, which can be found in Research Online http://researchonline.lshtm.ac.uk/612422:-


Eligibility: Your research must be available in LSHTM Research Online, and your tweet must include the LSHTM Research Publication Team’s Twitter handle (@LSHTMopenaccess), the OA Week handle (#OAWeek) and a link to your open access paper in LSHTM Research Online.

In addition, you must be a current LSHTM staff member or student, and tweets must be made from your own Twitter account before 10am (BST) on Friday 27th October 2017. During Open Access Week we will retweet some of our favourites and we will pick one winner, to be announced via our Twitter page on Friday afternoon.

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