All posts tagged block grant

RCUK’s Open Access block grant 2016/2017

Research Councils UK (RCUK) has recently announced the amounts that it will be paying to institutions in the block grant to support the implementation of its open access policy.
This policy states that any research article or conference proceeding that is published and results from a RCUK funded grant should…

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End of grant and MRC/RCUK open access publications

Below is a FAQ we often get here at the School from projects that are funded by the RCUK. Question:

We have an MRC-funded grant which was awarded before April 2013 and which ends 31 Dec 2015. The original budget contained a small amount of funds (£1890) for publications, which we have set aside. However, we are planning to publish ~4 papers which those funds will not stretch to; moreover, the papers won't be submitted for publication now until after the grant has closed. How should I pay to make these papers Open Access if my grant was awarded before the 1st April 2013?
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Increased RCUK block grant for 2015/2016

Research Councils UK (RCUK) has recently announced the amounts that it will be paying to institutions in the block grant to support the implementation of its open access policy. Since April 2013 the grant to universities and eligible research organisations has been used to cover the cost of article processing…

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