Research Councils UK (RCUK) has recently announced the amounts that it will be paying to institutions in the block grant to support the implementation of its open access policy. Since April 2013 the grant to universities and eligible research organisations has been used to cover the cost of article processing charges (APCs). 2013/14 and 2014/15 financial years the grant paid for 68 journal articles at the School. For 2015/16 the RCUK will make available a total of £22.6 million, and the School has received a 5% increase in the amount it has received compared to last year. In 2013/14 the amount was £96,466, in 2014/15 it was £113,489 and for 2015/16 it is £129,512.
Despite the modest size of the School compared to other research-intensive universities, the amount received is very favourable. Coming 40th in the amount received across the UK – out of a total of 105 institutions. The spreadsheet outlining the distribution of the block grant can be found here.
Subsequent years of the RCUK block grant will be influenced by the findings of the Independent Review of the Implementation of the RCUK Open Access Policy, due to publish later this month, as well as the future spending review.
Further information about the block grant and how to pay for Open Access using its funds can be found via the RCUK-OA pages in the Library.