There were 76 entries this year and the judging panel was very impressed by the quality and range of images. We would like to thank everyone who entered the competition, these images are a wonderful addition to MediaLibrary, the School’s image database. All of the entries are available to view by staff and students on MediaLibrary at:, go to Browse categories, competition entries, 2013. A selection of images is also on display in the foyer of the Library.
Second place has been awarded to Ayuko Matsuhashi for the photo entitled: Peer-to-peer education in handwashing with soap, Madagascar.
Third place has been awarded to Anna Kagstrom for the photo entitled: Severe burn survivor after performing the daily dressing change on her doll in the Real Hope For Haiti clinic.

Severe burn survivor after performing the daily dressing change on her doll in the Real Hope For Haiti clinic by Anna Kagstrom
Alumni are launching an Alumni Photo Competition later in the year, more details to follow.