Find eJournals – a new service for finding and accessing electronic journal content

On the 16 June 2014 the Library will be replacing their current electronic journals management system, TDNet, with an OpenURL link resolver (SFX) from Ex Libris.  This new service will be called Find eJournals.

Find eJournals main search menu






SFX will already be familiar to many Library users from database searches, where the ‘SFX@LSHTM’ button links citations to the full text article or provides further search options.  The Library is expanding the use of SFX so that it will provide:

  • Search Menu: various search options and dynamic links to services.
  • A-Z List: contains titles that the Library subscribes to, and freely available content.  Provides direct links to resources.
  • Article Search: users can input bibliographic metadata (article and/or journal information, DOI, PMID etc) and SFX will find the relevant article (if subscribed to by the Library).

Library users want access to material at point of need, intuitive navigation to resources, and a service which meets their study needs.  Find eJournals offers a solution which meets these needs.  With SFX, the LSHTM Library can offer carefully tailored links to electronic journals, and SFX keeps the links up-to-date so reducing the risk of coming across broken links.  Users can access articles without needing to know which database they are hosted in.  The search process is simple and reliable, whether a title is known or the user chooses to browse and conduct a random search.  Title displays are clear, informing users of platforms and years available, subject categories and additional information such as ISSN and title history.  When titles change their name, SFX maps the changes and clearly displays them in search results.  To  help inform the decision-making process, SFX also displays a symbol when a journal is peer reviewed.  Where there is no full text available SFX will direct users to check for print, either in the Library’s OPAC, catalogues of local academic libraries, federated catalogues, or Search25.

Find eJournals search results page










SFX@LSHTM results box










In addition to meeting Library user expectations, SFX provides other benefits for the LSHTM Library.  Electronic journals can be fully integrated within the Library environment (e.g. OPAC, databases, web pages etc), and be made more visible to readers.  The KnowledgeBase (a central data repository for the link resolver) ensures title coverage is comprehensive and up-to-date.  Finally, SFX includes collection management and statistics tools which will assist the Library in discovering and meeting information needs of users.

If you would like further information on LSHTM’s Find eJournals please contact us at

(Note: due to ongoing configuration of Find eJournals, the final service may differ slightly than that shown in the images above.)


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