It’s that time of year again! Every year the Library carries out a Journal Consultation in which we ask for your opinions on potential new journal subscriptions and possible journal cancellations. This year we are trying a slightly different approach. In previous years we have sent the same questionnaire out to all Faculties. However this year we are focusing on the needs of each Faculty and their Departments. Earlier this year we asked each Department for a list of essential journals, and we had a great response. This has enabled the Library to create lists of potential new titles specific to each Faculty. On the 14 July 2014 we will be sending out three questionnaires, one for each Faculty. You will only be asked for opinions on potential new journal subscriptions relevant to your Faculty.
In addition to new titles, we will be asking about journals whose low usage during 2013 has singled them out as possible candidates for subscription cancellation. The questionnaire will inform you as to how many full-text requests were made for each of these journals during 2013. Simply let us know how useful, or not, these titles are for your learning, research or teaching.
Taking part in this Consultation will help the Library to plan and prioritise for the future, and we would be grateful for your input. It should only take you about 5-10 minutes to complete. Responses are not linked back to individuals, and all results will be presented in an aggregated and anonymised form. The deadline for the questionnaire is 31 August 2014.
Findings from the Consultation will be made available in due course.
Please feel free to contact the Serials Team with any serials-related enquiries: serials@lshtm.ac.uk