New Exhibition at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, ‘HIV/AIDS: Controlling and eradicating a modern epidemic’

It gives me great pleasure to announce that the new exhibition on the subject of HIV/AIDS has now been installed in the Keppel Street Foyer at the School. The exhibition, ‘HIV/AIDS: Controlling and eradicating a modern epidemic’ exploresHIV-expo_300x200_thumbnail the history of the disease through the archive materials and highlights some of the ongoing research work in the field that is occurring in the School. The exhibition will be up until the end of the year and will also include a programme of events to compliment the exhibition:

The major theme of the exhibition is the development of prevention and treatment responses to HIV/AIDS. The archival material, selected from the seven HIV/AIDS related archival collections held at the LSHTM Library & Archive service reflect some of the initial responses to the syndrome before exploring some of the early prevention and treatment initiatives. The second half of the exhibition focuses on the current epidemiological research of the School in the control and prevention of HIV/AIDS. The School has been at the forefront of epidemiological work on the disease since the late 1980s. On display are items from a number of the collaborative research projects based in Africa and the UK, showing some of the latest developments in treatment and prevention methods.



The archival collections on display have recently been catalogued thanks to the assistance of a Wellcome Trust Research Resources grant and highlight a small sample of the historical records the School holds. The exhibition highlights the  international nature and multiple perspectives that are retained in the archives and display the multi-media composition of modern archive collections.


Red Ribbon Pendant: This beautiful pendant was designed by the British artists, Andrew Logan and kindly donated to the archives by Lynn Rothman.


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