Tackling your summer projects can be daunting. The library is here to support you every step of the way. We currently have a new book display in the Reading Room at Keppel Street, focusing on several resources which can help you complete your Master’s dissertation with confidence.

Library Support
In addition to the book display, don’t forget to take advantage of other library services designed to assist you:
Moodle Pages: The Library Moodle pages contain a lot of useful information and support: https://ble.lshtm.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=88
Go to the InfoSkills & Literature Searching: Training Materials, Help and Support section and you will find online ‘self teach’ modules to help you tackle your literature searching and effective literature searching videos, guides and presentations and a lot more support put together by the Information Skills Team
One-on-One Sessions: Schedule a session with the information skills team to look at your completed literature search draft: https://studentbookings.lshtm.ac.uk/

Online Resources: Access a wealth of e-books, journals, and databases from the comfort of your home through the LSHTM library
Access databases such as Medline and Web of Science here:
Check out the Library catalogue, Discover, for many ebooks you can use to tackle your summer projects:
You will find more books to help with your summer projects at the following Barnard Classification Scheme shelfmark on the Library shelves: AHAZ

Visit Us Today!
Drop by the library and explore our MSc project book display. Whether you are just starting your dissertation or are in the final stages, our resources will provide the support you need to succeed. Take advantage of all the Library has available! You can confidently tackle your summer project with the right resources and support.