Resource Discovery Systems Trial

Finger artyjpgWE NEED YOU!   

The Library and Archives Service is providing trial access to three Resource Discovery Systems (EDS, Primo, and Summon) from 17 November 2014 – 19 December 2014. We would like as many staff and students as possible to explore the Systems, and then let us know how they find them.

The trial access and survey can be found at

Taking part and providing feedback will help the Library in its continuing efforts to shape services to meet user needs. It should only take you about 5-10 minutes to complete the survey.

Responses are not linked back to individuals, and all results will be presented in an aggregated and anonymized form. The deadline for completing the survey is 19 December 2014.

Please remember these are just trial systems, so don’t expect all the Library resources to be found.

Resource Discovery Systems provide library users with a single interface to search, discover and access both print and electronic resources. Their main benefits include:

  • A user-friendly interface
  • Enter keywords into a single search box
  • Single list of search results containing both print and electronic resources
  • Relevancy ranking
  • Options to personalise and refine search results
  • Export results
  • Social features incl. tags, share searches
  • RSS feeds, email notifications
  • Mobile access and interface

Please contact the Library ( with any queries.

Image: Some rights reserved by Sudipta Arka Das

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