Open Access articles on the Ebola virus

Ebola Virus Particles by NIAID available from

With the help of crowd-sourcing a dataset of nearly 500 scientific articles covering Ebola has been created which identifies those that can be freely accessed, read and re-used in the fight against the virus outbreak.

Members of LSHTM Library (John Murtagh @LSHTMOpenAccess and Merinne Whitton @LSHTMLibrary) along with others helped check articles to see if they were Open Access and which research articles were behind a subscription paywall. The results were quite startling.

Out of the 497 articles found only 133 entries from the dataset were Open Access. This included Non Commercial only Creative Commons licenses and 95 entries found to have CC-BY Attribution only required licenses.

  • Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge the author and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.

You can view the spreadsheet via the Figshare site and thanks to Ernesto Priego @ernestopriego Lecturer in Library Science, City University London for organizing the crowd source and creating the spreadsheet.



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