We were pleased to find that approximately only 200 items needed their records added or edited. Here’s a breakdown:
- 119 new downloaded records & barcodes were added for books which had no barcode and no record.
- 13 original catalogue records & barcodes were added for books which had no barcode and no record.
- 13 copies were added to existing records where the item with existing barcode could not be found on the shelf – possibly the wrong copy had been withdrawn.
- 15 items were re-catalogued as books, having been originally entered into the system as an open serial.
- 21 items were re-catalogued with the existing barcode as no records could be found. Some of these were originally catalogued on our previous library management system and records may have been deleted due to lack of borrowing.
- Approximately 30-35 items were moved to the Pamphlet collection, 2 to rare books and 1 journal returned to our store in Egham.
Will the printed journal and reports records fare as well? We’ll find out in summer 2015 when we are planning to conduct a stocktake of those collections.