Front covers of "Labour and life of the people"

Labour and life of the people / Charles Booth. – London : Williams and Norgate, 1889-1891.

Four editions of Booth’s work were published, based on his notebooks, the version in our collection comprising three volumes including an appendix with maps. The work paints a vivid picture of the social conditions in London in the late 19th century. For much of the book, Booth is the editor, with various authors contributing chapters.

The first volume (East London) is divided into three sections: “The classes”, “The trades” and “Special subjects”. Among the “special subjects” are chapters on migration and “the Jewish community”. While some of the text reflects negative stereotyping (e.g. it is suggested that migrant workers have lower expectations of work and living standards), issues such a bonded labour and low wages resonate to this day.

The second volume deals with “London street by street” (including poverty classification and housing); “Central London” and “London children”

For more information about Booth’s survey, notebooks and digitised versions of his works, see the following link:

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