All posts in Archives

HIV/AIDS archive student session in the Wellcome Gallery

Today, the LSHTM Library & Archives service hosted a short HIV/AIDS gems of the collection session for some visiting American students from Oklahoma State University. As the students were attending a summer school based at the University of Cambridge on HIV/AIDS in the United States and Transnational Politics…

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5 days at the Archives

Author: Emma Fullerton-Frost

This week I have been doing year 12 work experience at the LSHTM archives. I have had the chance to learn more about both archives and the history of the school. For this blog I have completed some research based on what’s in the Ross…

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Malaria in the UK


To mark World Malaria Day, here is a short blog about the history of malaria in the UK and the work of John Frederick Marshall (1874-1949), parasitologist, whom devoted much of his life in studying and controlling mosquitoes in the UK and whose archives are stored here.


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Chronicling an Epidemic: new archival material on the first Ebola epidemic

The ongoing outbreak of Ebola in Guinea and surrounding regions has brought this terrifying disease back into the world’s media spotlight. This epidemic shares some of the features of the first devastating outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (then Zaire) in 1976. Then, international medical authorities such as…

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SIGMA Research collection catalogue is now available

The archives of SIGMA Research have now been catalogued and the collection can be viewed online on the LSHTM archives catalogue. This is the fourth collection to be catalogued as part of the Wellcome Trust funded project to catalogue and preserve the School’s HIV/AIDS archive collections. The collection…

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New HIV/AIDS collection added to the LSHTM AIDS archive

A new HIV/AIDS collection has been kindly donated to the LSHTM archives today. The papers relate to the working life of Dr Joseph Sonnabend (b. 1933), physician, clinical researcher, and community activist who played a significant role in the fight against AIDS from it’s earliest onset in the…

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Kaye Welling’s HIV/AIDS archives catalogue now available

The catalogue of the papers of Kaye Welling is now available on the LSHTM archives catalogue. The papers relate to her work she undertook on HIV/AIDS public education and media coverage during the 1980s-1990s whilst based in the Centre of Sexual and Reproductive Health (CSRH) at the School…

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World Cancer Day

To support World Cancer Day, we thought that we would highlight some of the collections in the Archives that relate to Cancer. Although this was not a core topic that was researched in the early years of the School, there are a number of collections where there is a wealth…

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AIDS Social History Programme catalogue is now complete


The AIDS Social History Programme collection has now been catalogued and can be accessed via the LSHTM archive catalogue. This is the second of the six collections to be made available as part of the Wellcome Trust funded ‘Cataloguing and Preservation of the HIV/AIDS Collections at LSHTM’ project…

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