All posts in Library Resources

The Open Access Team’s Virtual Bookshelf

To showcase the wide array of Open Access books freely available online, and in the spirit of International Open Access Week, LSHTM’s team in the Library have put together, in true Waterstone’s style, a shelf each of their favourite selections of Open Access books and materials. These are…

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Capturing the Open Access status of some of the year’s research from LSHTM

In the name of Open Access Week 2017, we have had a look at some of the research produced by LSHTM researchers over the past year to see whether the content of research that is featured in blog posts and news articles is available to everyone and anyone to read…

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Books for World Sight Day

Last Thursday marked the 18th annual World Sight Day, with ‘Make Vision Count’ as its call to action. The event is organised by the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, that works ‘to lead international efforts in blindness prevention activities’, and has strong links with the School’s International…

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LSHTM mental health books

Books for World Mental Health Day

October 10th is World Mental Health Day.   LSHTM Library has items on mental health classified at UJ – currently shelved in the front left corner of the Barnard Room.

Some books from the collection:

Global Mental Health : Principles and Practice, edited by Vikram Patel, Harry Minas, Alex Cohen, Martin J. Prince…

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Constructing a literature search for a systematic review: part 2, choosing search terms

This is the second in a series of posts looking at how to put together a literature search for a systematic review. Part 1 looked at the preparation required before you start putting the search together and gives some background to the project. This post looks at how to put…

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PubMed icon

2017 Updates to MeSH released

The 2017 update to the Medline thesaurus (MeSH) has been released. This adds new terminology, edits obsolete terminology and reorganises subject trees to keep the thesaurus current. References added to Medline from now on will be indexed using the updated terminology. Please note that changes are not retrospectively applied.

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Dan Brown is in the Library!

Along with Forsyth, Mankell, Sting :-) and a few of your favourite fiction and other genre authors.
Why not pop over to our Bookswap area in the Library foyer and have a gander?
Take any book labelled “Bookswap” for as long as you want.
You can even donate any excess fiction…

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Major updates and new features on Embase

Ovid have announced a number of major updates and new features for the Embase database. These will go live on 19 September 2016.

The most important updates are:

The thesaurus/Emtree display will change to include full History Notes and other information provided by Elsevier.
16 new fields will be…

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Ebook Central DDA trial comes to an end

Over the last couple of months the Library has been running a trial of ‘Demand-driven Acquisition’ (DDA) on ProQuest’s Ebook Central platform.  This has enabled users to search for ebooks in Ebook Central via the Library’s Discover search tool, and make requests for the Library to purchase…

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Springer journal archives now available

The Library now provides access to two Springer journal archives:

Biomedical and Life Sciences (189 titles)
Medicine (159 titles)

Access is usually from Volume 1 of a title, and unless the title ceases before then, access stops in 1996.  Coverage in Biomedical and Life Sciences goes back to 1851, and…

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