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Pioneers of Tropical Medicine

It’s Explore Your Archives Week: today we focus on ‘Pioneers’, something the School is so well known for.
Around our building is the famous frieze of 23 pioneers of tropical medicine.
They include such luminaries as Sir Ronald Ross, who proved beyond doubt in 1897 that the mosquito was…

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Dan Brown is in the Library!

Along with Forsyth, Mankell, Sting :-) and a few of your favourite fiction and other genre authors.
Why not pop over to our Bookswap area in the Library foyer and have a gander?
Take any book labelled “Bookswap” for as long as you want.
You can even donate any excess fiction…

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The Library Dungeon

Lurking in the bowels of the School, hidden to all but library and archives staff, is this place.

The Basement.

What lies behind this cage? What fiendish creatures fester beyond the wire?

These monsters!

PhD Theses published in the years 2000 to the current year
Print journals published in the…

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An apple a day

No, not the brand, the actual fruit.
Happy Apple Day! #AppleDay (21st October 2016)
After you celebrate this humble fruit by consuming a few outside of library premises and boosting your nutrition, why not visit LSHTM Library and discover a whole gamut of…

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Earliest Hospitals and Tropical Medicine

Earliest Hospitals and Tropical Medicine

The history of hospitals extends over 2500 years, shown by early documents and archaeological evidence. In many parts of the world there were healing centres where the nature of the treatment provided varied according to local social and cultural norms.

In early Greek and Roman…

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To (p.) or not to (p.fol.)? That is the question.

I approached my manager  clutching a collection of books of various shapes and sizes that I hoped I had classified correctly and to her satisfaction. I had only been working as the library’s cataloguer for 2 weeks and was eager to meet her high standards .

“This is a pamphlet…

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In 1884 London hosted an International Health Exhibition under the patronage of Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales, and directed by an Executive Council.

It’s aims were far-sighted. It covered everything that promoted the preservation of good health in the populace through displays…

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The Changing Face of Keppel Street Exhibition

Our exhibition on the history of the site and the building goes on display this week. The idea behind the exhibition is to showcase some of the amazing archival material that the School holds on the Keppel Street building and to highlight how the building has changed since it was…

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1-1 Help with Summer Projects

Starting this Wednesday (15th of June) the Library will be offering a series of 1-1 appointments for students to discuss their Summer Projects.

Appointments will last 30 minutes and will be an opportunity for students to discuss their search strategies with a qualified librarian.

For further information (and to…

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Steps in the walking city



I was fourteen. My history class were on a visit to London, my first visit to the Capital I can remember with any clarity. Unlike other school trips, which were mostly by coach or the school minibus we travelled by Inter City train from Birmingham New Street, in…

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