Open Research Seminar: Enhancing the speed and impact of science communication using BioRxiv and Medrxiv

THURSDAY MARCH 13, 2025. 13:00 – 14:00 BST

Attendance link:

The widespread adoption of preprints provides opportunities to revolutionize how scientific discoveries are communicated with the wider research community. Preprints enable scientists to share the latest developments and findings in their research and obtain community feedback that can be used to support decision making on how it is be developed in the future. As a citable scientific output, they also provide authors with proof of progress and productivity, which can be used to advance their careers through grant and job applications.

This webinar, led by members of the bioRxiv and medRxiv team, will outline how the sharing of preprints can aid researchers in enhancing the impact of their scientific research and comply with established and emerging community requirements, such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s mandate on preprints.

The presenters will provide an interactive demo of the bioRxiv and medRxiv platforms, two non-profit preprint services that host more than 200,000 preprints on topics spanning fundamental biology and clinical research and are visited by a combined figures of ~9 million readers every month. The presenters will go on to explore how LSHTM researchers can make their preprints available on the bioRxiv/medRxiv platforms and the potential gains for their research.

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World Cancer Day 2025

World Cancer Day is an international day marked on 4th February to promote a positive and proactive approach towards the prevention, detection and treatment of cancer.To mark the day, LSHTM Archives are highlighting some items within our collection relating to cancer.

Dr Christopher Draper collection

Dr. Christopher Charles Gawler…

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World Leprosy Day 2025

(Image source: ilepgeneva)

World Leprosy Day takes place on 26 January 2025. In India, World Leprosy Day is celebrated on 30 January, marking the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. 

“The theme for World Leprosy Day 2025 is “Unite. Act. Eliminate.”. The theme is a call to action aiming to…

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Get ahead: book a library information skills session

Effective Literature Searching: relevant for MSc Projects – booking now available (all sessions on Zoom).

These take place on:Part 1 – step by step literature searching: relevant to all types of MSc Project.Tuesday 11 February 10:00 to 11:30Friday 14 February 14:30 to 16:00Thursday 20 February 14:30 to 16:00Tuesday 4 March 10:00 to 11:30All the above Part…

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Book Display: Dry January: Jan 1- January 31, 2025.

It’s the time of year when people commonly make New Year resolutions. Dry January is an annual campaign that encourages people to abstain from alcohol for the entire month of January. Led by Alcohol Change UK it aims to help individuals reset their relationship with alcohol, improve health, and…

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A Classification for Medical and Veterinary Libraries (LSHTM Press, 2024)

We are delighted to announce the publication of the 3rd edition of A Classification for Medical and Veterinary Libraries by Cyril Cuthbert Barnard, revised by Eloise Carpenter. This is also the first book published by LSHTM Press.

Book cover: A classification for medical and veterinary libraries

Barnard, CC 2024, A…

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University of Florida students

Archives Service: Highlights of the Year

It has been a busy year for the Archives Service and we thought that it would be good to reflect on what we have achieved and more importantly what we have learnt through our decolonising practice.  

We have run Decolonising the Archives sessions for internal and external student…

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Colourful drawing of a person with disability on a wheelchair.

Book Display: International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) 3 December 2024

On 3 December, we observe the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), an annual event established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1992 (Resolution 47/3). This important Day aims to raise awareness about the challenges faced by persons with disabilities while championing their dignity, rights, and wellbeing…

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World AIDS Day 2024

1st December has been designated as World AIDS Day since 1988. It is an opportunity to reflect on the global impact of the HIV and AIDS epidemic, remember those who have lost their lives, and show support for those living with HIV. This day also highlights the importance of continuing…

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World Aids Day: 1, December, 2024.

Image shows people in a crowd.

On 1 December, WHO (World Health Organisation) joins partners and communities to commemorate World AIDS Day 2024. Under the theme “Take the rights path: My health, my right!”, WHO is calling on global leaders and citizens to champion the right to health by addressing…

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