Guinea Worm…and other things

By Lara Salha

As part of my Masters in Archives and Records Management at UCL,  I had the pleasure of being assigned my 3 week part-time placement at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Archives and was given the opportunity to join the team and see how…

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International Clinical Trials day

May 20th is International Clinical Trials day, and so today we celebrate the work of Sir Austin Bradford Hill – a pioneer in clinical trials.

Sir Austin Bradford Hill is best known for his work with Sir Richard Doll on the carcinogenic effects of smoking and on the use of randomisation…

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Infoskills a bit rusty ?

… then help is at hand, to see you through your summer project. ONE hour info skills sessions will be held during the summer months just for  YOU  !

Everything you wanted to know (and more) ….about constructing a search strategy will be explained, including :

Searching databases and using operators such as…

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Collection of the Month for May – Whitehall Study

In honour of the birth of Donald Reid (May 6th), this month’s collection of the month is the recently catalogued Whitehall Study.

The Whitehall Study, led by Professor Donald Reid (1914-1977) and Dr Geoffrey Rose (1926-1993), was designed to detect early risk factors in cardiovascular and respiratory…

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Parliament’s Uncommon Library

I’d never thought I would enter Parliament, but earlier this year, I was lucky enough to be able to take part in a visit to the House of Commons Library, through a programme provided by the M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries. Once I’d got through the strict security…

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WHO World Malaria Day, 25 April 2018


This year’s World Malaria Day coincides with the World Health Organisation’s 70th anniversary. To mark the day the library has produced a display of books on Malaria in the Reading Room. Additional materials on the disease can be found at the LF shelfmark. Both electronic and print…

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COAF Block Grant – April 2018 Update

Researchers funded by COAF partner charities other than Wellcome Trust:

Please note that due to high demand, our 2017-18 block grant funding for several COAF partner charities has been depleted as of April 2018. The charities include: Arthritis Research UK, Bloodwise, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK and Parkinson…

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Happy Easter from LSHTM Archives!

Indulgence is often associated with Easter where gourmet chocolate eggs and succulent lamb roast dinners are enjoyed. But what Easter recipes did people have during the Second World War when rations were tight?

The Ministry of Food published recipes to help people effectively use their limited rations, this included a…

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World TB Day – March 24 2018

March 24th is World TB Day. World TB Day was designed to bring public awareness to what is still considered an epidemic in much of the world and was chosen to be on this date to commemorate the day in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced he had discovered the…

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International Happiness Day, 20th March 2018!

Today, Tuesday 20th March 2018, is UN International Day of Happiness. Adopted by unanimous decision by UN members in June 2012 and first observed around the world the following year, the event is celebrated in 193 UN member states and was created by UN Special Advisor, Jayme Illien.

The objective…

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