World Sickle Cell Day

To coincide with World Sickle Cell Day (19 June) the Library currently has a display of books in the Reading Room on sickle cell disease (SCD) and other blood diseases. SCD affects millions of people worldwide and is a lifelong condition that can be fatal. SCD mainly affects people of…

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Collection of the Month for June – Buxton

This month’s colelction of the month is the Buxton collection, who was an entomologist, to celebrate of the upcoming National Insect Week

Patrick Alfred Buxton was born 1892, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. While he was at Cambridge, the physiologist Walter Fletcher encouraged…

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Public Health Ethics

Public health involves interactions with a variety of professionals each with overlapping values and goals. In comparison to bioethics or medical ethics, which has a strong grounding in the discourse of the individual or autonomous directives, public health ethics has a distinctive characteristic of having a population wide perspective. In…

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Mental Health Awareness

I first became consciously aware of mental health when I was in my 20s, when a friend of mine was admitted to a psychiatric ward under the Mental Health Act (aka “sectioned”). This happened on two occasions, but I only witnessed the behaviour that led to this action once, when…

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Clinical trials books

Books on Clinical Trials

May 20th was International Clinical Trials Day. The very first clinical trial occurred back in 1747 when naval surgeon-mate James Lind determined that scurvy could be successfully reversed by eating citrus fruit. Nowadays the randomized clinical trial is regarded as fundamental to evidence-based medicine.

At LSHTM library, most…

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Important update on the RCUK open access block grant

Due to an administrative error made by RCUK last year, the amount of open access funding awarded to the School has been significantly reduced for the 2018-19 block grant year (running from 1 April 2018 – 31 March 2019). The School will be unable to provide RCUK-funded researchers with…

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Guinea Worm…and other things

By Lara Salha

As part of my Masters in Archives and Records Management at UCL,  I had the pleasure of being assigned my 3 week part-time placement at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Archives and was given the opportunity to join the team and see how…

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International Clinical Trials day

May 20th is International Clinical Trials day, and so today we celebrate the work of Sir Austin Bradford Hill – a pioneer in clinical trials.

Sir Austin Bradford Hill is best known for his work with Sir Richard Doll on the carcinogenic effects of smoking and on the use of randomisation…

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Infoskills a bit rusty ?

… then help is at hand, to see you through your summer project. ONE hour info skills sessions will be held during the summer months just for  YOU  !

Everything you wanted to know (and more) ….about constructing a search strategy will be explained, including :

Searching databases and using operators such as…

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Collection of the Month for May – Whitehall Study

In honour of the birth of Donald Reid (May 6th), this month’s collection of the month is the recently catalogued Whitehall Study.

The Whitehall Study, led by Professor Donald Reid (1914-1977) and Dr Geoffrey Rose (1926-1993), was designed to detect early risk factors in cardiovascular and respiratory…

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