Springer journal archives now available

The Library now provides access to two Springer journal archives:

Biomedical and Life Sciences (189 titles)
Medicine (159 titles)

Access is usually from Volume 1 of a title, and unless the title ceases before then, access stops in 1996.  Coverage in Biomedical and Life Sciences goes back to 1851, and…

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Changing Face of Keppel Street: Oral History Project

Changing Face of Keppel Street: Oral History Project

As part of the ‘Changing Face of Keppel Street’ exhibition, currently on display in the Keppel Street foyer, LSHTM staff members were interviewed to capture their recollections of their time at the School.

Edited versions of these interviews are available to view…

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Journal Consultation – time running out

Want to let the Library know which journals are essential for your research, teaching or learning?  Time is running out – deadline 26 August 2016.

EPH: http://bit.ly/29kUkuS
ITD: http://bit.ly/290tStk
PHP: http://bit.ly/294YKaX

The survey is quick to complete, fill it in now and…

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Every Open Access Thesis at LSHTM now has a DOI

With Open Access (OA) availability bringing the School’s research to an increasingly wide audience, it’s important that we have a way to keep track of the impact that our researchers’ work is having. As part of that effort, we’ve recently completed a project to coin DOIs (Digital…

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Violence & Abuse Abstracts trial access

Trial access to Violence & Abuse Abstracts: August 2016

Violence & Abuse Abstracts is a bibliographic research database focusing on the legal, medical, psychological, and social aspects of all types of interpersonal violence.

Areas covered include child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault and harassment, emotional abuse, gang violence, elder abuse…

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NIMR reports added to Library collection

In 2015 the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) became part of the Crick Institute, and earlier this year staff from the NIMR swapped their panoramic views in Mill Hill for a new state-of-the-art building at St Pancras.  As part of this move the Library at Mill…

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PASCAL trial access

Trial access to PASCAL database, available 1st – 31st August 2016.

PASCAL is a multidisciplinary and multilingual database for science, technology and medicine. There is a particular emphasis on European content. The database is produced by the Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique of the Centre National de la Recherche…

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90th Anniversary: Laying of the Foundation Stone

Today, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, marks the 90th year of the laying of the school’s Foundation Stone by future Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. It would be another three years until the school was officially opened by the H.R.H Prince of Wales on the…

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In 1884 London hosted an International Health Exhibition under the patronage of Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales, and directed by an Executive Council.

It’s aims were far-sighted. It covered everything that promoted the preservation of good health in the populace through displays…

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The Changing Face of Keppel Street Exhibition

Our exhibition on the history of the site and the building goes on display this week. The idea behind the exhibition is to showcase some of the amazing archival material that the School holds on the Keppel Street building and to highlight how the building has changed since it was…

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